Mythical Tales Chapter 3: Caen
I'm walking through a forest. My quarry is ahead around the next corner, behind the next tree, ever one step in front, ever beyond reach. All I've seen of my quarry is a brown furred arm here, a tail there. "Wake up sleepy" "Wah?" "We're breaking...
Mythical Tales Chapter 2: Miu's Mercs
"God Damn them" He muttered "Fifty-eight" "What?" "You've told god to damn them 58 times since we fled the other night" "Have I? Well I guess it's because I'm angry! And why am I angry?" he stated with a cool anger "Because the Dutch captured...
Mythical Tales Chapter 1: Castle Attacked
My opponent stands there, panting slightly. He swings his mace at my head, I raise my left arm to catch it on my shield. BOOM! _'That didn't sound right'_ I thought to myself. I counter attack with a right slash at his ribs, he counters with his...