Get Blown or Die Tryin'
This was a free commission that was proposed to me that I rather liked the idea of. Certainly something that I've never written about before needless to say. Short story commission for Derecho:...
Herdnan- Chapter Sixteen
Cymaenie stared at a banded stack of twenty dollar bills. The band holding them together read "$500". He scratched his head, assured with his decision and closed his safe door. He spun the lock, removed the key and turned in the small underground...
Herdnan- Chapter Fourteen
Cymaenie brought the Chevy to a stop right around four in the morning on the 189th avenue bus depot. He parked the truck and reached behind the seat and grabbed his street clothes that he was wearing. He pulled his T-shirt over his head and slid his...
Herdnan- Chapter Thirteen
The list was extremely detailed. He was in shock at how in depth the lion's findings were on the robber whose name was Meedim. He was looking at the file as he rode the bus through the darkness of the city. The public transportation was wearing...
Herdnan- Chapter Twelve
Cymaenie closed the door on the Blazer and shouldered his bags. He had just arrived back at his safe house, and parked the truck inside. He needed a new getaway ride anyway. He checked on his Ferrari before dropping his duffle by a locker and opening...
Herdnan- Chapter Eleven
A splitting headache. A cramp in his tail. A throbbing pain in his left arm. A tingle in his right leg. Back to the headache. The pain taking turns between his body and his head. And on top of it all, there was an annoying throbbing glow. What in...
Herdnan- Chapter Eight
Cymaenie was still laughing as he rolled the television on the dolly into his safe house. He set these aside, and headed back out to the Monte Carlo, still idling outside. He got back in behind the wheel and headed off down the street again with the...
Herdnan- Chapter Seven
Hugodrax poured himself a mug of coffee and sipped it down. "A quiet night. They are rare... but so refreshing." He said to Frevvor who approached him. "Agreed Captain. However, not always perfect." "Well, that is our job. Wouldn't be any fun...
Herdnan- Chapter Four
Disclaimer: This has a coming out theme to it. So, if you are in any way offended by homosexuality, then this chapter, and probably more after this will not be suggested reading material for you. Story starts after first dash line if you don't...
Herdnan- Chapter Three
The loud beeping of the alarm clock pierced in his ears. Shortly following that was the pain in his tail. He reached behind and grabbed his bushy tail and pulled it out from under him. In a groggy state, he started smacking his bedside table to...
Herdnan- Chapter Twenty- Two
Well, as sad as it is to bring the story to a close, it is in fact time. To all of you who have been following along, thanks for your patience and comments over the past chapters. After you read this, you will have read a 220 page book. So much for a...
Herdnan- Chapter Nineteen
The old black Chevy rolled up to the iron gates, and the two furs guarding it opening it as he pulled up and waved him with a smile. Cymaenie waved a thanks and pulled up the long gravel driveway to the Tasrattliga mansion. It was a little after...