Herdnan- Chapter Nineteen
The old black Chevy rolled up to the iron gates, and the two furs guarding it opening it as he pulled up and waved him with a smile. Cymaenie waved a thanks and pulled up the long gravel driveway to the Tasrattliga mansion.
It was a little after four thirty in the afternoon and he pulled up to the house and stopped the car.
He shut off the engine, and let off the clutch and opened the door. He closed it and one of the suited furs walked over to him.
"Need to check you." He said.
Cymaenie stuck his arms out and the suited fur started patting him down.
"Riyan! That's not necessary! He's part of the family!" said the familiar voice of the Don.
"Yes sir." He said desisting and apologizing to Cymaenie.
"Darkring!" the Don said.
The raccoon walked over to the impeccably dressed lion and was surprised when he was locked in an embrace with him, held at arm's length and kissed on each cheek.
"Hello Don Tasrattliga!" Cymaenie said. "Sorry if I'm late. I may have missed a time you said to drop by."
"Not at all. This was at your leisure. I figured you'd be by in the late afternoon, what with your schedule and all." He laughed heartily with a slight lion roar. "How was your dinner last night? No further trouble I hope..."
"No sir. I do thank you again for your intervention last night. I kind of swung by as I had a hunch you would be there, sorry to have used you in that manner."
He laughed again. "Not at all. I appreciate your honesty though."
"By the way, my actual name is Cymaenie. Darkring is my alias. I only tell my most trusted friends with that information."
The lion looked at him slightly bemused and nodded. "Well, thank you. I'm glad that you find enough trust in me for that. That warms my heart. I understand your apprehension at first, so don't worry about apologizing for being upfront about that."
He started walking along the drive way pulling a cigar out of his coat pocket and lighting it. "That's what the family does here Cymaenie. We look out for one another. The restaurant was the least I could do for such a gift!"
He gestured to the '68 Ferrari Cymaenie had brought him the other day.
"It's not the best gift, what with it being hot and all..."
"Please. The police know better than to go poking their noses around here over a car. Think nothing of it. So, I suppose that I had better get down to why I asked you here."
He puffed on his cigar and reached in his coat and pulled another one out and nodded to Cymaenie handing it to him along with the lighter.
"Ah yes. I guess it was good that I swung by last night."
"Saved some time and a phone call. Yes." The lion said continuing his stroll. "I have someone that I'd like to introduce to you before we get started."
They walked off the drive way to a small brick path leading to a private gazebo by a large pond. Cymaenie saw a figure sitting in the shade reading a newspaper. As they approached, the figure looked up and Cymaenie saw who it was.
"Skreft?" he asked with a level of surprise.
"Cymaenie?" Clearly the surprise was two-fold.
"You two know each other? Small world it seems. Even better!" the Don said as they stepped into the shade of the gazebo and sat in an outdoor easy chair tapping his cigar into an ashtray.
Cymaenie sat on the couch with Skreft and nodded to him.
"Well, this makes things a lot easier. You two know each other, but I doubt you REALLY know each other. So, let me sum up things here and get us all on the same page.
"Cymaenie is a professional, very professional thief with excellent skill at infiltration and so forth. Skreft, he is a deadly hitman with just about anything that can be construed as a weapon."
The two raccoons looked at each other, slightly unbelieving at the other's secondary "lifestyle". Suddenly, Cymaenie's nervousness about him faded.
If he wanted to kill me, he probably would have. Cymaenie thought. The works were getting more tangled.
The Don rubbed his nose and took another puff on his cigar. "Alright, let us get down to business. I need both of you to work together for this job. I know it makes things a little risky as you two are used to working alone, but I need both of your skills to mesh together to pull this off for me. You'll be doing me and the family a large favor."
"That shouldn't be a problem. He's my friend." Cymaenie said. Skreft smiled at this.
The lion smiled. "Excellent. Alright, Cymaenie... Meedim. You remember him I'm sure. Well, it seems that he took you and I for a ride. He still knows too much."
Cymaenie felt a cold shiver run down his back. "I assure you that I recovered everything on the..."
The Don nodded. "I'm not mad at you. You did marvelously. What we didn't know was that he had made copies of a lot of sensitive papers and has them stored at a fortress of a house across town in a safe house. All I know is that nothing has been looked at yet, and it has to stay that way. As it turns out, Meedim is working for the Herdnan Department of Criminal Investigation. They're playing their cards carefully and not rushing anything or using anything quickly till they are certain that their poker hand is a winner.
"I've got inside men in the police who found this out through the grapevine. If Meedim opens his trap, or those papers get into the wrong hands, that will unlock our whole operation and a lot of trouble."
"Holy shit." Skreft said pulling a cigarette out of a pack in his shirt pocket and lighting it up.
"Yes. The situation is pretty heavy, and very serious in nature. I think the solution here is clear. Cymaenie, I need you break into the safe house and get Skreft inside. I need Meedim to have an 'accident'. You can make that happen right Skreft?"
"Yes Don Tasrattliga. I sure can."
"Excellent. I need you two to destroy all of the evidence as well. Accidents happen and so forth... I'll leave the nitty gritty up to you two."
"Don, a question." Cymaenie asked.
"If this is a safe house holding the only leads they have on us, won't it be crawling with police officers and so forth?"
"Good question. It isn't. Why? Simple... they can't trust their own law enforcement as they're not sure who could be a double agent. Plus, if they make it apparent that there's something to hide, that would make it a clear and apparent target. We've only found it by tailing Meedim to it, and our inside scoop on it. The rest is apparent what happened."
He reached in his suit coat inside pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to Skreft.
"That is the address you will find him at. Unfortunately, I can't offer any more information than that as that is all I have. Cymaenie, you're going to have to use all of your thieving skills to get you two in and out undetected."
Cymaenie looked over the address on the paper. "That shouldn't be a problem. I'll have to bring some extra tools and we'll have to keep out wits. I'm up for attacking this tonight."
"As am I." Skreft said passing the paper to Cymaenie who folded it up and slid it into his shorts pocket.
"Excellent. The sooner this is put behind us, the sooner we can all relax. I'll be sure to compensate you both well for this task. Cymaenie, I'm sure that you have transportation all worked out."
"Of course Don Tasrattliga. Even if not, I can acquire some wheels in no time at all."
The Don laughed tapping his cigar ashes again. "Good point. As soon as the deed is done, be sure and stop by tomorrow so we can all celebrate."
Cymaenie nodded standing up. "Well, we've got our work cut out for us." He said looking back at Skreft.
The brown coon stood up and nodded. "Well, you'll be doing the driving and so forth. So, let's make sure that you're fully geared up."
The Don rose and walked them to Cymaenie's car. "You two be careful and play your cards carefully. I'll let you two be on your way. I'd prefer that you go into battle well prepared. Remember, use all of your animal instincts and be careful."
Cymaenie nodded. "Don't worry. I'm sure that Skreft is as level headed as me when on a job. You will have nothing to fear after tonight."
The Don smiled and kissed Cymaenie's head, then walked over and did the same to Skreft. "Drive carefully, and I'll see you both tonight."
Cymaenie climbed in the car followed by Skreft and they fastened their seatbelts, Cymaenie clutched, started the car and they roared off.
The heavy garage door opened of Cymaenie's main warehouse and he stepped inside followed by Skreft. He pulled the door closed, walked over to a metal box on the wall and threw a switch, illuminating the warehouse in fluorescent light.
"Nice." Skreft said looking around at the walls of equipment Cymaenie had littering the walls of the garage.
"I'm not sure what you're going to need, but those lockers over there are full of guns and ammo. Swords and knives are in that one... I doubt you'll need explosives, but there are some in those two wooden crates." Cymaenie said pointing to the opposite wall from his typical gear.
Skreft opened one of the locker doors revealing a rack of shotguns. "By the gods Cy... are you prepping for a war?"
He laughed. "No... it seems that way, but it's always good to be prepared."
Skreft pulled out a 12 gauge pump action Remington. He looked over the gun examining the 28" barrel. "It still looks like you're ready for a war." He put the gun up to his shoulder and aimed at the door and sighted down the barrel.
"I doubt I'll need it, but its always good to have for a plan B" he said setting the gun down and grabbing a full box of shells and a shoulder strap.
Cymaenie opened his locker and pulled his shirt off from over his head and neatly rolled it and tucked it into a small bag.
Skreft sat down in a chair and tested the mechanics of the gun, listening to the well oiled clicks. He grabbed the shoulder strap and began affixing it to the stock looking up to see Cymaenie pulling his things out of his pockets and setting them on a workbench.
"I get a strip show too?" he grinned.
Cymaenie laughed. "Sorry coon. I think I've found Mr. Right."
Skreft sat back in the chair setting the shotgun aside. "Oh? And when were you telling me this?"
Cymaenie winked and undid his zipper. "Eventually. He's a husky and cute, and such a stud." He said staring off in a dreamy way thinking of him as he slid his shorts off.
"Pink. Cute. It's a good color for you."
Cymaenie remembered that he was still wearing the thong. He blushed. "Yea, he lent me some clothes."
Skreft laughed. "You're going totally gay I see. Just remember that I had nothing to do with it when you start pointing fingers."
Cymaenie rolled his eyes sliding the thong off and tossing it into the bag with the other clothes and grabbing a pair of his spandex shorts and pulling them on and adjusting them so they hugged properly and were comfortable. He reached in the locker and grabbed a black spandex tank top and pulled it over his head and over his torso.
"I don't know which I like better... the pink thong or your thieving outfit." Skreft joked smiling.
"Don't be hating..."
"Oh, I'm not..." Skreft said wagging his tail.
Cymaenie kicked his shoes off and pulled on his thieving footwear and strapped them tightly down. He opened his thief backpack and grabbed a small laptop, a grappling hook, a small pouch of tools, a glass cutter, a small welder and goggles, a spanner, a few assorted rolls of tape and wire, and a few other odds and ends.
He zipped up his bag and tossed it in the truck, grabbed his day clothes bag and sword, and tossed those in, grabbed his secondary leg pouches and ankle knife and put those in. Then he walked over to the lockers Skreft was sitting by, opened one on the end, pulled out his holster belt and put this over his shoulder, grabbed his Desert Eagle, and a few magazines and carried these to the Blazer.
"A Desert Eagle?" Skreft said raising an eyebrow.
".50 cal Action Express."
"Damn! What does a thief need with that much firepower? Are you shooting through steel walls or something?"
"Always good to have too much rather than too little."
"I understand that... but DAMN!"
"Do you have everything you need?" Cymaenie asked looking at his watch. It was almost nine o'clock as they had stopped to grab a bite to eat on the way.
"You got other hand guns?"
"Yea in there." Cymaenie said pointing.
Skreft stood up with the shotgun in tow and opened another locker door. He picked up a .357 Magnum and shook his head with a smile, replacing it and grabbing a .45 and its appointed holster. He slid the gun into it and grabbed an extra three magazines and closed the door with his foot.
Cymaenie climbed into the Chevy and arranged his things on the floor behind his seat and closed the door. He twisted the keys in the ignition and started the truck. Skreft got in as well and closed his door.
Cymaenie pressed the automatic door opener and started backing out, stopping and leaning out of the truck, knocking out the lights. He backed out the rest of the way and pressed the button to close the door and headed out to the main street.
He turned and roared off. Skreft got comfortable in his seat and put his feet up on the dash. It was an hour and a half drive to the north side of Herdnan from the safe house.
Cymaenie started accelerating up to the speed limit, and noticed that the engine was revving high before finally kicking into second.
He cocked his head curiously and came to a stop at a red light. The light turned green and he pressed in on the pedal and roared off the line again. He watched the tach as it revved nearly to the red before shifting into second.
"Ah shit. We need to make a stop before we go." Cymaenie said merging into the left lane and then a turning lane at the next light.
"What's the matter?"
"God dammed transmission. It was fine. It's starting to slip. This is not a good thing if we need to make a hasty getaway."
"So where are we going?"
"Friend! Have I got a car for you!" Al said nearly falling down the stairs to his office. He looked up and saw Cymaenie who was pulling his shirt on.
"Cymaenie?" he said confused.
"Hey Al."
"What brings you here? Where's the '38?"
"Running magnificently. Now, hush yourself. I'm not here for a regular car."
Al nodded, "Ah. I see. One moment for me to close up shop."
The badger tottled back off to his office, and turned off the bright overhead lights, swung the open sign to "closed" and went to the main entrance and slid the chain link gate shut, padlocking it.
"We need to go to the back lot."
Cymaenie got back in the Chevy and followed Al who was fast walking past the office and garage. He opened a wooden gate of a ten foot wooden fence and waved them through.
He closed it behind them and Cymaenie stopped, and shut the truck off.
"What do you need?" he asked.
"Replacement wheels."
Al looked over the Chevy. "What's wrong with it?"
"Trans is starting to go."
"That's all?"
"That's all. I figure you can work your magic on it and sell it to some lollipop."
"That's my job. Hmm." He said in deep thought. A light bulb went off in his head and he turned around and pointed down five cars sitting in his back lot.
"There. '87 Dodge Ramcharger. It had a 318, but I had my boys drop a 440 in it instead. 4 wheel drive, auto, no record, good running truck."
"How much?"
"Fair trade."
"What's wrong with it? Slipping trans?"
"Nothing Cymaenie. Come on. You know I throw my best stuff your way."
"What's the reason?"
"I've practically got what you brought in sold already. I was just waiting for one. Got the guy talked up to 3 grand over book."
"Alright. Thanks Al."
"Anytime Cy. Although..."
Cymaenie rolled his eyes. "Yea?"
"I got a few cars I need you to 'acquire'."
Cymaenie sighed. "I can't help you tonight. Later this week alright?"
"Whenever. No rush."
He held out his paw and Al giddily pulled a list out of his pocket and placed it in his palm. Cymaenie opened the list and looked it over.
"Five cars. Easy list. They're nothing special. I'm lacking in my lot."
"I'll get to them when I can. Usual back entrance?"
"Of course."
"Keys or not?"
Al laughed. "I always forget I get that choice with you. Don't need 'em. It makes it less suspicious if they're re-keyed."
"Alright Al. Speaking of keys... to the Dodge?"
"In the ignition."
"Does it have gas in it?"
"Full tank, premium. Don't worry Cymaenie. One of these days you have to learn to trust me."
"Thanks again Al."
Cymaenie nodded to Skreft and they collected all of the things out of the Chevy, and transferred them to the Dodge. They climbed in and Cymaenie kicked the 440 to life.
The truck roared, and he shifted it to Drive and pulled out of the space it was in. Al let him out the back way and they were once again on their way.
"Not a problem. I prefer this anyway. More engine!" Cymaenie grinned merging onto the expressway and nailing the throttle quickly gaining speed.
"Great, a crazy raccoon with more horsepower." Skreft chuckled. "Now just try and not get us pulled over or killed. I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up when we get there."