Pokemon RP Chapter 1
**_Chapter 1_** _Run on Pure Imagination_ Luca: It's a clear, warm summer night at the base of Mt. Coronet. The nearest Human city is Hearthome City. I start wandering through the thick brush at the mountain's base. The events of what had just...
Frost A story of a Piplup It was a cold morning in Snowpoint City. Just the way I like it. I got up and heard my mother calling me down to eat. I lazily walked to the eating place and ate my usual; fish. I loved to explore the area. But my mother...
The Ancient War
**_The Ancient War_** _Run on pure imagination_ Are you ready? Good. My name is June. I am here to tell you a long forgotten story. A story about war. What? You want to know the reason I'm telling you this? Well that's very simple. A far worse war...
Mewtwo and Lucario
_ **Mewtwo and Lucario** _ _Run on pure imagination_ Mewtwo's P.O.V. _'Those damned humans. Abusing pokemon like they're mere tools and slaves. I need to put a stop to this. The only question for me is how? I'm a psychic type, I can figure this out....
Future Story Ideas and Characters
Okay, so first thing's first. This is not a story, this is just a list of things I plan to add that I thought up of today. Z stories (Zombie): Furry Z? The Z Virus, The Z Chromosome, The Z Child, The 'Z'-pocolypse, The Z Virus Mutation. (Series) Furry...