My furry dream
This is the story of a dream I had. My dream is related to the site and everyone in furry. The whole fandom is part of this dream. I have no idea if my stats are perfect but based on my dream; this story's facts are true. Please bare with me because...
Sera's Story
It wasn't a long time since the birth of the first cubs, and now the next group was here. Two males and one female comprised the cubs of a more feline nature, while this new set...was twin pups. After birth they quickly grew up learning much faster...
dragon's meal: final
After a few years stuck in the behemoth's den, Spike had noticed a small demon child crying near the peaks. Spike brought the young demon down to the base of the mountain and asked it about how it got there. "my father left me at the base of...
dragon's meal: part 2
Several years after the king entered the caves small noises echoed out of them. It was a small child. Born of several blood lines, the small child was a demonic drolfire. His tiny frame was nourished till he was strong enough to leave. He left on a...