My furry dream
This is the story of a dream I had. My dream is related to the site and everyone in furry. The whole fandom is part of this dream. I have no idea if my stats are perfect but based on my dream; this story's facts are true. Please bare with me because even though I would love to be my fursona Spike I am instead, Silva in this story. I will later submit a background of Silva for others. For now the dream.
Darkness? Hatred? Love? No, this is not right... within this dark world I see nothing but a pitch black darkness that leaves my mind wandering.
After the single wish I was granted I had become Silva, an all powerful being that is made up of a combination of humans that contain the most extreme forms of the 7 deadly sins, good and evil, chaos and order. After the wish I had one goal. To give others the things they desired so much. I started with simplicity by helping the world become their true desires.
My first goal was to become the true Silva I desired. I formed the mask that my faked self was cursed with, and then I donned the heavy garbs I knew to be mine. Once completed, I moved out and to the best spot in the world. I went to the main military base within the United States and began the construction of a special missile. I finished it with...little problems from the ones on the base. Being shot with no care helped in my endeavor. After only a few hours I finished the construction of the odd weapon that would assist in making the world what it desired. I fired the large missile straight up making it break apart midflight to set out its small hellfire missiles that spread using a radial arch to spread the furthest. Once they were well spread I detonated them within the atmosphere and the red dust floated down slowly. And as soon as the world was covered in the red particles I used the huge alchemy circle I had drawn to set off the reaction the powder would do. Mutations, fast but painless, occurred all over the world, small at first then growing to amazing proportions. To humans, bones are vital for support and form. They were the first to change. Humans changing size and shape slowly soon the reconstruction of the innards and then the change of skin to scales and fur. It wasn't just the change of the physical form, the alteration happened at the genetic level with how much power was behind the change.
Two days, the first who chose to head outside were scorned as monsters, put up on television for everyone to see, for everyone to fear and laugh at. After nearly a week, I decided it was my time to gather them up. I had been working on something massive just outside the sight of the entire planet. On the other side of the sun, was a huge ship nearly four times the size of the planet itself. Filled with rooms for creatures of all sizes, the ship stayed within orbit similar to that of the earth.
My first stop was in the Netherlands. I headed to my friend, mate, and pet who lived there. Her house was a simple one with a small white picket fence that was no higher then a normal human's knee. The blue and whites of the outside betrayed the overly obvious uncut grass. Only one thing could be wrong, the others in the neighborhood gathered around to see the visitor who seemed out of place. I moved up and yelled out her name over and over I called till I heard the door. I went silent as the door opened and a single shining eye lay just beyond it. With some simple information the door was opened slowly to reviel a very cute, nude white female feline. Her soft white fur coated her body in the shape of a house cat anthro that didn't fit in with normal biology. I made her a simple cloak and took her to the next stop.
I walked up with the cloaked kitten seeing all the military running about as I was halted. I spoke about a simple man and they said that was classified before I held up my hand. As my character Silva, I knew everything and knew how to handle myself. One second a man stood before me along with a wall and a military caravan, and in less then a second the male was on the ground staring at the huge hole that trailed across the burning ground of the huge ki blast fired. I grinned and continued on my way to gather up the second one I was after. Inside a dark room was three animal like creatures, furs. I move up and free them taking them all and speaking softly. I spoke out a simple word, Master. With that a tall male wolf moved up. He knew who I was after that, with the confirmation of a simple term, Spikesy, we were on our way.
The third stop was also in America, I moved to the collage that was moving about like any normal day. I saw the normal pudgy male I had seen before and I grabbed him smiling. A simple check of id and a crash later I found a second fur. A huge feral dragon that offered to be the ride for the ones with me. To the point I was at now, I had a feral dragon, two wolves, a rabbit, and a pair of felines. After making the human I found change back to his female black lioness form I was able to take off.
After dropping them off on the ship that was not only supplied with them, but with a group of solid white creatures with masks. They all knew what the white creatures where, hollows, souls that lost their hearts but that had been tamed and changed back only to keep the form.
I returned to earth and was on my hunt. I went for the most obvious place to go for furs now. Southern California, the spot where almost half the furries in the world are located, and I sat smack dab in the middle. I was fast to gather and tansport all of them to the ship. I found a few friends, a few foes I had made, and lots of people enjoying their new forms with their mates. After waiting out the time they had with them I took them as well.
A small recap so far. I the human wished to be Silva. I changed the furies of the world into their fursonas. After a huge search and rescue mission that was relatively easy for someone of Silva's power, I took them all back to the ship located at the opposite side of the orbit of the earth. Now I stand on a pedestal in front of every one of the furries I had gathered up. There was a spot for everyone. In the back stood the macros and feral dragons, wolves, and even a huge Cerberus. To one side swam the aquatic furs, from whales to dolphins to simple fish. On the other side were the flying furries, bats to birds all sat on branches of steel that had been changed to wood. In the middle stand the more...normal furries ones who have large muscles or fat are at the back due to size differences. At the front of the groups, were all the micros. I stand there with two furs next to me. My Master and my pet. Now for the talk and the major turning point. I offer my thanks to Rokoka of furry to furry for allowing me to use him in particular for the turning point.
I stood there, waiting for everyone to settle down. Everyone's eyes was on me. To tell the truth now, I would never have been able to handle the stares of everyone, but as Silva I was able to handle it.
"Furs of all sizes, of all breeds, and of all shapes, I, Silva, come to you now as the one who made you this way. I'm sure all of you recall the red dust that fell to earth only a week ago. With that and a huge alchemic reaction I was able to use simple wishes to make you into your fursonas. I don't say im god, but I am the most powerful being here. I do not challenge anyone, but until further notice this will be everyone's home. I will be handling negotiations to earn the rights for furries everywhere. This ship is stocked with unlimited amounts of food, health related items, and fresh clean water. Most of you have magic that you can use, if you do I will help you all by giving you the knowledge of how to use the magic properly. For now I ask that everyone forget about religion, race, age, time and even place. For now we are all family."
Everyone watched, some spoke softly to understand what was going on. One single fur moved up. A very muscular tiger with three glowing blue eyes. I knew him personally and smiled as he moved up and with not a single word, slammed his fist across my face cracking the mask I wore and landing me in a slightly staggered position. I was pulled up like most cop movies and for a moment, the feral side of the new shape came out. His growl and evil glare frightened everyone in the room wondering if they should move away or stay and join in on the apparent fight that they figured would happen. His growling stopped and he asked the simplest of questions. Why did I change everyone into these forms. I answered simply in return. "Progress." With that he let go and thoughts filled everyone's heads about how the change would help.
In the world of furry, wounds like simple scrapes and bruises could be healed with the wave of a paw. Huge gashes across bodies could be healed with only a few days in the hospital. Even death was a lie now. The furs that were zombies and necrodemons in the room could tell that death was now a lie. Demons that stood in the same room with angels, once considered lies, things that didn't exist to science's eyes soon became real and was now standing here. Myths like those of dragons, minotaurs, pixies, and even zombies were now real. With these thoughts now lingering in everyone's minds furs soon began talking to one another to get to know each other as now...friends were now being made and family was gathering.
I was released and was able to show everyone to their rooms. The white creatures moved about helping as I saw fit. A few odd black creatures floated about made of pyramid shaped parts that showed a body, arms and a single tail like leg as if it was a ghost, and one single round head showing it was like a mannequin. Everyone got to their rooms or started having parties and there were rooms for raves and even a room just for those furs that loved smoking. A room for everything and bedrooms for furs.
I walked with my small family I had gained over the internet and we went to a big room that was more or less, a living room. I sat there, hugging my family to me. My children, Riley, Neko, Thorben, Miles, and Hawk all sat and played as their shape shifting baby shaped fursonas. I sat on the couch holding my wife Folix and mate Kitty, while my master Wolf sat behind us enjoying his spot with the family. My other pets, Spirit and W.o.d. sat near the television as they watched shows and really wanted to play together.
Thank you for reading this, comments are welcome. I would especially like to see everyone's reaction to this story and how it turned out.
I give special thanks to the furs named as I am very close to them all here on the net. All of them can be found on furry to furry and are named accordingly to their usernames there.
I don't know if ill ever continue this story to see how it turns out, but I did this story for several reasons. Mainly I did this story because it was my first and only dream about furry in general. The second is found within my profile.