Orange of the Twin Pools
You know the twin pools, deep inside the cave on the Isle of Kasau? I heard various yarns about it: Legends, Myths, and Witness Encounters. One stuck out to me the most. Numerous miners reported to have seen an orange entity wondering the caves and...
SB-TB 02
Family... heh, something I wish I had right now. Well to put it into more perspective, a family that was a family, than just those who know each other by blood. I have a mom, a dad, and a sister. I'm not very close to each of them, not even equally...
SB-TB 01
Hmm? What's the history of this old thing? I don't know what you mean it's just an ordinary-- .....! Alright, alright you don't need to grill me like that. You noticed it's unique than what you usually see in this world you live in, with designs so...
SB-TB 00
_CRASH_ That was me being thrown out a tall skyscraper. _SMASH SMASH_ That was my two friends following suit in turn. We were tasked of taking down this building of cold soulless metal, and we failed. We thought we had it in the bag, be wrapped up...