Foxy and Kitty- Episode 21

Kitten shook as tears ran down her furr, her hands on her aching belly. Teffy wasn't much better as they both laughed, the healthy belly laugh that gives one a natural high. They were in the movie theater watching a new comedy that they had agreed...

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Foxy and Kitty- Episode 19

"Now, with less force, Ben, remember- you're using their energy against them, not giving yours to use against you." "Yes, sir." Kyle padded around the room full of kids, watching with attentive eyes while they practiced. They'd been at it for...

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Foxy and Kitty- Episode 17

Teffy woke up the next morning with her warm body snuggled up to his and he started awake, not remembering for a few moments how he'd gotten there. Now her remembered, and he relaxed against her, kissing her hair softly. She'd woken him up during...

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Foxy and Kitty- Episode 16

Kitten drifted awake slowly, her eyes were strangely hard to open as she wondered at the cozy feeling she had. She found she was bundled on the futon- that was pulled out- in a thick blanket. She looked up to find Teffy reading a book in a chair...

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Foxy and Kitty- Episode 13

Kitten leaned over and whispered into her ear, "I know why you're here." She paused to let that sink into the kangaroo's head. "Just get it out of your system, so we can get it all over with. I despise pointless waiting." Teresa's head slowly rose...

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Foxy and Kitty- Episode 8

Kitten stared out at the beach, a frown marring her forehead and a troubled look in her eyes. She was seated on the railing of the deck and one leg swung absently. She was caught up in blaming herself for having to say, "gimme a while- gotta figure...

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Foxy and Kitty- Episode 2

Several hours, much getting to know each other, and many cups of tea later, Adrian pondered out loud as they sat on his apartment balcony. "You know, I need a bit of excitement, the days are getting a bit too mundane for me." Foxy, as Kitten was...

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Foxy and Kitty- Episode 1

Only the quiet sound of padding paws were heard as the figure hurried through the park. His large fluffy tail with its rose-red furr and black tip swayed with his gait, poking gently out of his black baggy pants. Hanging off of these pants, moving at...

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