
_The Dark Horse embarks on a salvage operation, and junior helmsman Srivastava points out that, in atmosphere, a lot of people can hear you scream._ _Okay, I'm really sorry it took so long to get this up--I promise I haven't abandoned this setting,...

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The bloke in the engine room

So then, why not have us some doggerel to go along with the various escapades of the Star Patrol? I enjoy doggerel, because it's about all I can manage. I had this idea, though, that in the future poetic ballads will come back. Robert Heinlein had that...

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Madison May of the Star Patrol!

_Jack of all trades, master of none, Barry Schatz has found himself as the science officer on Commander May's starship of misfit toys. Faced with the dangerous reality of adventure, he needs to decide where his future lies..._ _Here is the final part...

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To boldly go

_In the final chapter of 'Ride of the Valkyrie,' Ellis and Jack reunite with an old friend, meet a rather odd new one -- and then take the first steps to fulfilling Jack's promise of returning to Earth. Well how about that?_ _Well! Here we are!...

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It sets my mind to wander...

_2063. Decades after a devastating nuclear war, the last remnants of humanity struggle to survive, and hope for a new start on another planet. Aaron Turner, one of the leading researchers at the Renaissance Project, is one of them._ _This is set in...

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Behavior Unbecoming

_The Dark Horse responds to a distress call, and finds an old ally with a puzzling secret_ _This one is definitely more of a conventional Star Trek story, I think, although it does make a game attempt at advancing the cliffhanger that ended the last...

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The Archivist

_More coyote antics. Clean coyote antics! (?!) And some odd old characters._ _Progress! It's slow, but it's progress. The novel is now halfway through towards its end. Having landed on Yturvolini, Xoc and her friend Anatolyi Sirko meet with Tolya's...

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_Where is the Dark Horse, and why does everyone have goatees?_ _And now for something completely different than unhappy moreauverse stuff! Time to follow up on the Season 5 cliffhanger, which ended with the battleship_ Agamemnon _threatening to take...

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The Good Ship and Crew

_In this prequel to the other Casey and Dev stories, Devin tries to go straight. It... doesn't work out super well._ _Well hello there! It's a... clean story? It's a clean story. This takes place somewhere between 5 and 10 years prior to "Tricks," the...

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The Poetical Answer

_Morgan Finch tries to define her role in the town, after an altercation._ _This was originally written to be a submission for a Pride month-themed publication. It's a lot gentler than most Cannon Shoals pieces. It is also the first clean Cannon...

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The Lion

_The season ends as we confront the series' Big Bad? Maybe?_ _I know that there was some confusion and/or disappointment that we're leaving the mirror universe. I feel like it is safe to say we will return. But for now, we're back in our world,...

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On this New Sea

_A group of scientists and explorers set their sights on the End of the World, an impassable and chaotic tempest beyond which no sailor has ever ventured._ _This is the first chapter of_ There Shall Be Wings_, which is my Guaranteed Novel of 2016 in...

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