Cast Me! Chapter 4
Res was walking towards the school when he noticed Bernard a few feet ahead of him. "Bernard!" he yelled after the bear. Bernard turned to see who it was but just turned back around and quickened his stride. Res stood where he was and lowered his...
A New Life Chapter 4 (Featuring Wolfie Steel)
The next day, a nurse came in with a grim look on her face. She walked up to Wolfie's bedside and said to him, "Good afternoon, Wolfie. I hope you're feeling better than yesterday. I have good and bad news." Wolfie's eyes tilted up to the nurse to...
Different - A Monologue
Synopsis: _GUY has been kicked out of his house because his parents found out he is gay. After calling his boyfriend and telling him what happened, his boyfriend left him. All he has with him now is his laptop, and he types his story on a word document...