Two Worlds: Prologue
**Two Worlds: Prologue** _The Beginning?_ What if there really was an Eden? A lush beautiful paradise with no death, no suffering, and eternal bliss. Where the "babe could lay down with the lion" and feel no danger. Sounds good doesn't it? But...
Dreamers: Prologue
Note: Although I have never read it, I think this concept is loosely based off of a book by Eric Nylund called, "A Pawn's Dream." **Dreamers: Prologue** For as long as I can remember I have had very vivid dreams. Some call it lucid dreaming but I...
In Utter Darkness: Chapter 6: Acceptable Losses
Sacrifice is a funny thing. You give up your entire being just so that a group, ideal, person can live better hope they are worth it. **In Utter Darkness: Chapter 6: Acceptable Losses** Date: (3 days after invasion) Location:...
In Utter Darkness: Chapter 1: New Day
Guard those that give you hope...they are always the largest target. **In Utter Darkness: Chapter 1: New Day** Date: (Unknown) (several weeks after invasion) Location: (Unknown) Military Base, Nevada Time: 18:00 EST We had lost. Humanity's...
In Utter Darkness: Chapter 2: It Begins
What doesn't kill you makes you stranger. **In Utter Darkness: Chapter 2: It Begins** Date: (Unknown) Invasion Location: New York City, New York "It's a new day," I mused to myself as I waited for the subway to roll in. Life was...
In Utter Darkness: Prologue: Nothing Ventured
Sometimes it isn't wise to expose yourself to the might just come calling. **In Utter Darkness: Prologue: Nothing Ventured** Paul Jackson sighed as he leaned back in his chair at SETI...
In Utter Darkness: Chapter 3: New Developments
Never comment that life can't get any worse, fate likes to prove people wrong. **In Utter Darkness: Chapter 3: New Developments** Date: (Unknown) Location: (Unknown) The first thing I pleasantly noted as I came to was that I was...
In Utter Darkness: Chapter 4: Escape
Not all change is for the better, in fact, most of the time it sucks. **In Utter Darkness: Chapter 4: Escape** Date: (Unknown) Location: Davidson Civic Center...