Winter Break: Chapter 5 (Working)

It works!!! Yay!!! The tone of his voice was like a knife. He was so upset, but Mutt didn't blame him. He wasn't yelling, but he should have been. The quietness of his voice, the tension of the moment was torture. Farran was well known for his...

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Preview: Sins of the Angels

This is a preview of an upcoming story: Sins of the Angels He...

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Age of Innocence: The Beginning of a Friendship

Ok, I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is, I'll be working on Winter Break privately from now on; I won't be posting any more chapters. The good news is, it will be replaced by this, "Age of Innocence" which will be posted as it's finished....

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A Whole New Kind of Heaven

This place... It's beautiful... But why, why can I not feel anything? I am in a pure state of both tranquility, and melancholy. I'm sure I'm here, I'm sure all them are here as well. What is going on?! Wake up... Wake up! ~~~~~~~ 'I can hear a voice....

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Winter Break: Chapter 4

I know it took a while, but here's Chapter 4. The nightmare Mutt has at the beginning of the chapter, is what really happened to my mate, Farran. I know it's short, but I only included what I felt...

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Winter Break: Chapter 3

And here is the highly anticipated, ok not really, Chapter 3! I'm still debating on whether or not to put the rest of the Chapters on, just know that if I do, there will be a long time span in between chapters. I'm kind of a slow writer. Anywhoozle (my...

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Winter Break: Chapter 2

Hey, I'm just gonna upload all of these. Cuz this is even keepiing me in suspense. XD Here's Chapter 2. It picks up where Chapter 1 left off. Enjoy. There is a little tragedy, but no one dies or anything, so calm...

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Winter Break: Chapter 1

I decided to post the first 3 Chapters of "Winter Break", the original story. These will explain how Mutt and Dukie met, and help explain their lives a bit further. Enjoy the first chapter of "Winter Break". Chapters 2 and 3 will be up...

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This is a simple, short-story describing the feelings I've been grappling with lately. I know, it does go from first person to 3rd, I figured 3rd person (me being a poet) would be more poetical, and make it easier for me to convey my...


Sensual Therapy

He stared at the red hot ring around the wick of the burning "Sensual Therapy" scented candle, slowly breathing in the mild smoke. It was named very well. The smoke seeped into the Aussie Shepherd Folf's nostrils; the chemicals creating an increased...

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The Final Decision! (It works!)

The Final Decision The die has been cast; The decision's been told. Your fate has been sealed. Let your future unfold. 'What happened to me? Where am I? Who am I?' My thoughts pulsated through my mind as I slowly came into consciousness....

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School Daze: The Story

These are School Daze. Dukie's side: It was as if time was moving in slow motion. I watched his slender body move with the magnificent flow the Colorado River once had. I watched his perked...

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