Winter Break: Chapter 2

Story by Novus Mutt on SoFurry

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#3 of Winter Break

Hey, I'm just gonna upload all of these. Cuz this is even keepiing me in suspense. XD Here's Chapter 2. It picks up where Chapter 1 left off. Enjoy. There is a little tragedy, but no one dies or anything, so calm down.


Chapter 2

The next morning, Ran woke up. He stretched his arms up and tried to get up. But, something was in his lap. It was Mutt! 'He must have rolled over in his sleep.' Ran thought. He slid out from under Mutt's head and replaced himself with a pillow. He walked into his room and slipped off his clothes. He went to the bathroom, closed and locked the door, and stepped into the shower.

Meanwhile, in the living room, the sound of the shower woke up Mutt. He sat up and stretched. He walked into the kitchen and started to make some breakfast. He put in two waffles into the toaster and pushed the lever down. Then he walked over, cracked some eggs in a bowl, mixed in some milk and seasonings, and put that in the microwave. As soon as he hit the "Start" button on the microwave, the waffles popped up. He put those on two separate plates, and covered them in syrup. The microwave dinged, and he walked over to get the scrambled eggs. He separated the eggs onto the plates with the waffles and took them out into the living room and waited for Ran.

Ran stepped out of the shower, dried off, and tied the towel around his waist. When he stepped out of the bathroom he got a strong smell of eggs and waffles. He walked into the living room, wearing nothing but his towel, and there was Mutt, sitting on the couch taking a bite of a waffle. Mutt turned around to see Ran. Mutt swallowed his food and said, "Good morning!" with a smile on his face.

"Good morning." Ran replied.

"Come, sit down. I made some for you too."

Ran walked over to the couch and sat down. He took a bite of his eggs, "Mmmm, these eggs taste different than usual."

"Yeah, I tried something new. My aunt Sue showed me. It's a lot easier than the regular way."

"Well it tastes great! I'm just gonna get some more salt though."

"Alright. Bring me some. I really should have added more seasonings."

"Yeah, but it's still really good."

Mutt had always been a good cook, which is one of the reasons Ran was glad to meet him.

After breakfast both of them got ready for work. Mutt was still a ski and snowboarding instructor, but he'd been promoted to a regular instructor, rather than a junior instructor. Ran was a bellboy at the lounge. Combined they made more than enough money to support themselves. They both very much enjoyed their jobs, Mutt was working with people closer to his age and because Ran worked at the resort, everyone he catered to was on vacation, and therefore very relaxed, kind, and easy to help.

Mutt gathered his equipment and put on his coat and snow pants. Ran put on his bellboy uniform and coat. They both headed out the door. Ran always walked with Mutt to the ski lounge, because Mutt had to work earlier than Ran.

"Alright, Mutt, I'll see you later. Have fun at work." Ran said with a chuckle.

Mutt laughed, "I'll try. You have fun too."

"Oh yeah, a blast and a half."

They both laughed and separated. Ran walked out the door of the lounge and headed for the resort, leaving Mutt to get all of his gear set up. Over at the resort, Ran clocked in and checked his schedule to see what time he got off. "Four o' clock." he mumbled to himself, "Well, at least it's not too bad."

A couple walked in the front door staring into each others' eyes. They walked up to the front desk, checked in and got their room key. Ran grabbed their luggage and took it up the stairs, while the couple took the elevator. He met them at their room door and asked, "So, newlyweds?"

"Yes," they replied, "We're on our honeymoon."

"Well, you two make a very nice couple, and I wish you the best of luck with your relationship."

"Oh, why thank-you." the woman replied. The couple handed Ran a ten dollar tip and walked into their room, "Have a good day." they said as they shut the door.

"Thanks, you too." Ran replied, and walked away, toward the sound of the bell ringing downstairs.

"Alright guys, lets hit the slopes!" Mutt called to all his students.

The students were somewhat reluctant to go, because half of them were being forced to take the lessons by their parents, but they all complied and headed for the ski lift. At the top, Mutt did roll call. "Abby!"







... No reply.


Still nothing.

"Has anyone seen Tiffany?" Mutt asked the class.

"I saw her at the bottom of the lift." Abby replied.

"That's strange. Alright let's fan out and look for her!"

The group split up. Mutt went back to the bottom of the lift. Hours passed, and still no sign of the missing student. Mutt heard the distant calls of the other students, "Tiffany! Tiffany where are you?!" Mutt had already notified Tiffany's parent, who were also searching frantically.

Off in the distance, Abby heard faint calling. "Help. Help." She followed the noise. She climbed through a bush and found herself at a cliff. She looked over the edge, and there was Tiffany! She'd fallen about ten feet to an edge sticking out of the cliff, which looked like it was breaking away. "Tiffany!? Tiffany are you ok?!"

"No! I- I think I broke my leg! I can't move."

"Hold on I'll call for help!"

Abby screamed at the top of her lungs. After about a dozen "Helps" someone finally came. It was Alex, a fifteen year old boy. "Abby? What is it? Did you find her?"

"Yes. She fell off this cliff, she's alive, but she thinks her leg is broken. Go get help."


"Don't worry, Tiffany. We'll get you out of this, I promise."

At the bottom of the mountain, Mutt had contacted Ran, who was now there helping the search.

"Where could she be?" Mutt asked.

"I don't know. We'll find her, don't worry."

"Ok. Wait who's coming down the ski lift? It's Alex! What's he saying?"

Ran perked his ears up to catch the boy's words better, "Mutt," he said, "Abby found Tiffany!"

"Mutt! She's been found!"

"Where? Where?!"

"Hold on."

He perked his ears again, "She fell off a cliff! Go to the top! Someone will meet you there!"

"Mutt, we need to get to the top!" Ran said. They looked back up at Alex. The lift stopped!

"Oh great! What else could possibly go wrong?!" Mutt yelled, "Alex! Just hang tight! We'll come back for you!"

"Ok! Don't worry about me! Just get Tiffany!" Alex replied.

Mutt and Ran climbed up the mountain as fast as they possibly could. When they reached the top, Tiffany's parents were waiting there. "We found Tiffany! Follow us." They led Mutt and Ran to the cliff where Tiffany was.

"Tiffany!" Mutt called, "Hold on! I'm going to throw you a rope! I want you tie it around yourself, and we'll pull you up!"

"Ok! Please hurry!"

Mutt grabbed the rope he'd wrapped around his shoulder and tossed it down. "Ok, Tiffany, now tie the rope around your waist and hold on!"

She tied the rope tightly, and grabbed on. "Ok, I'm ready!"

"Everyone," Ran called, "grab the rope, and pull!" Everyone picked up part of the rope, and pulled as hard as they could. "Come on! Pull!" Ran called again, "1...2...3! Pull!" They pulled, and Tiffany started to come off the ground, just in time. The rock she was on crumbled and fell. She let out a shriek of fear, and pain. "Alright everyone! One more big pull should do it!" Mutt yelled. They all built up their strength and heaved. Tiffany reached the edge, and grabbed on. Mutt and Ran sprinted to her and grabbed her arms. They pulled as hard as they could, and set her on the ground.

"Alright, now we just need to wait for the medics." Tiffany's mother suggested.

"No, we don't have time for that. She's already lost a lot of blood." Ran said. He picked up Tiffany, slowly, and they rushed back to the top of the ski lift. The lift was still stuck. Ran headed for the ski area, and started down the mountain. They reached the bottom, immediately followed by the other students, parents, and last, Mutt. Ran sprinted into the lounge and set Tiffany down on the couch.

Outside, Mutt looked up and down the lift, no sign of Alex, "Oh great, not another!" he ran inside the lounge and said in a panic, "Alex is gone!"

"No I'm not." A voice came from behind them.

Mutt whirled around, "Alex! Thank God you're ok. But how did you get off the lift?"

"Well, I was tired of waiting, so I stood on the seat, grabbed the rope, and shimmied my way down."

"That was really dangerous! You could have slipped! Or the lift could have stared again and electrocuted you!" Ran scolded.

"Sorry. I-"

"Look. The important thing is that you're ok."

"Um, hello. Girl with a broken leg here! Bleeding profusely! I could use some help!" Tiffany screamed.

Everyone turned back toward the girl, "Oh right! Someone call the medics! NOW!" Ran ordered.

The paramedics arrived soon after. They took Tiffany, her parents, and Mutt to the hospital.

"I'm so sorry about what happened." Mutt said to Tiffany's parents.

"It's ok. We don't blame you. She shouldn't have wandered off. We won't hold it against you, but, of course, for now she'll have to be taken out of your class."

"Of course. I understand. I wouldn't ski very well with a broken leg either." he joked.

They all chuckled lightly.

"Look, I still feel bad. I'd like to at least help with the hospital bill."

"Alright. We could use the help anyway."

"How much is the bill?"


"Wow. Um, well, I don't know how much I can help. I've got one-thousand in my savings."

"Can you give us five-hundred? We can take care of the rest."

"Yes. I can spare that much."

After the bill was paid, and the apologies were said, Mutt and Ran went back home to relax.

"Hey, Mutt, I'm tired I think I'll take a shower, get a quick bite to eat, and head off to bed." Ran said, exhausted.

Mutt was sitting on the couch, "Ok. I'll make you something, if you want."

"That sounds great. Maybe some Mac and Cheese with franks." Ran's stomach growled.

Mutt laughed, "Ok, that sounds good to me too. I'll make two batches."

"Alright." Ran took off his coat, and uniform shirt.

Mutt stared at Ran, who was walking into the hallway and toward his bedroom.

"Oh yeah, Mutt." Ran said as he turned around.

Mutt shot his gaze back to the TV, "Yeah?"

"I- well never mind. I'm just gonna go back to my shower."

"Ok. When you're done, I need to take one. Don't take too long. Save some hot water for me."

"Ok. Got it. Take a really long time. Understood."

"Oh, ha ha. You're so funny. Just take your shower." Mutt said as he threw a pillow at Ran.

Ran dodged the projectile, "Denied!" he walked into his room. After a couple of seconds, Mutt heard the shower start, and walked to the kitchen to start on the food.