Scars Ch. 13

My blade strikes down another mercenary, blood stains the ground and walls around me as the body lands onto the ground, I look at the shock and confusion on the face of the dead mercenary just as another mercenary runs up to me. Chris and Patrick,...

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Scars Ch. 12

I run around the corner of the alleyway, Chris is holding onto my hand as he tires to keep up with me. I look behind us as our pursuers still give chase, their weapons at the ready. My own sword is in my hand, ready to be used if anyone of them get's...

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Scars Ch. 11

At the mercenary village, inside the main building, Conway sits in a chair against the wall. Two other mercenaries stand by his side. Standing in front of him, Victor cracks his neck as he stands in front of his boss. All the other mercenaries are...

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Scars Ch. 9

Chris walks down a crosswalk toward the Midna University entrance. His anxiety about Victor slowly depleting as he begins to blend in the crowd of college students. A freshman new to the university can get lost easily, but Chris knew his way around the...

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Scars Ch. 8

In the middle of the night; Lucan, Chris, and Patrick have all gone to bed. In an alleyway close to the their apartment, Victor stumbles around, holding his right arm in pain. Victor stops and leans against a trash dumpster, wincing slightly from the...

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Scars Ch. 7

Patrick is at a local bar drinking a beer. His eyes looking in each and every direction. His right hand grasping the glass of cold liquor and downs the drink in one gulp. He sets the beer down and looks to the small t.v. set on the corner of the bar....

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Scars Ch. 6

Scars Ch. 6 I woke up to the sound of footsteps. I sat up, my hands outstretched to my sword which is up against the side of the couch. I look in every direction, every corner. I see a shadow move in the corner of my eye and I take out my sword in a...

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Scars Ch. 5

Scars Ch. 5 Me and Chris are walking down the old, decrepit streets of downtown Midna. Deteriorated shops line the streets; gloomy shopkeepers sweep the dust away from their doors. Prostitutes, drug dealers, and sex offenders are the majority in this...

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Scars Ch. 4

Scars Ch. 4 Inside the International Bank of Midna, people stroll in and out. Bankers shake hands with customers, the security guard is standing at the front of the bank, his eyes scanning the vicinity in search of any disturbances, but there are...

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Scars Ch. 3

Scars Ch. 3 I dodge another attack as Ollie swings his tail. I block it with my right hand. Ollie uses his strong leg and kicks me right in the chest, knocking the breath out of me. I skid back as Ollie hops back and forth, a devilish grin on his...

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Scars Ch. 2

Scars Ch. 2 Patrick stands at the doorway, speechless, as I sit at the couch watching TV. Patrick tries saying something, but quickly closes his mouth. Chris walks out of his bedroom and is quickly grabbed by Patrick and pulled back into the...

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Scars Ch. 1

Scars Ch. 1 I'm walking. I don't know how long I've been walking. Just like how I don't know how long this unending rain has been going on. I'm walking down a dirt road, my tired feet dragging against the wet, hard floor. The only thing covering my...

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