Alpha and Omega - Whispers
_Thanks to thos of you who have been reading, commenting and rating my stories!_ _If anyone is confused, because this chapter takes a step back in time, these stories are NOT in any particular order. They are just little snippits that I've added here...
Alpha and Omega - Fun Loving... Alpha?
_A little personal crack on my part. After learning that there will be an Alpha and Omega 2, in which Humphrey is an Alpha, I decided to play with what he would be like AS an Alpha. So I give you, Humphrey back from Alpha school! Antics ensue....
Alpha and Omega - Howl With Me
(My first posting in a while. As seen in _So, I saw Alpha and Omega for the first time this week. And instantly fell in love with the Love on a Train scene._ _For those of you who have seen the deleted scene where Kate gets the chills...
Alpha and Omega - Hooves
Morning had never seemed quite so hopeful before. The packs had merged after a relatively bloodless battle between the packs. Garth's Father, ever the traditionalist, decreed to his pack the the mating of Garth and Lily would serve as an acceptable...
To Love the High Mage
My first post on Yiffstar! Actually, my first real "adult" story. This little story is based on a project of mine. The project is named Ashen for now (As clever as that may seem). This story follows a line that will not be deeply followed in the...
New Recuits
Report: Case File - The Savage Dark Reporting Agent: Code Name - Jack "Savage" Affiliation: Unknown Current Whereabouts: Unknown Agent Status: Unknown (Active) Recording Continues: _"I've never really worked with anyone before, you...
Kill For Her
Report: Case File - The Savage Dark Reporting Agent: Code Name - Jack "Savage" Affiliation: Unknown Current Whereabouts: Unknown Agent Status: Unknown (Active) Recording Begins: _"The most difficult thing about law enforcement in a place like...