\*Click\* The light at Kevin's desk came on, filling the pitch black room with a warm glow. The desk sat against the wall of his bedroom, the windows that looked out over the Winnipeg skyline were curtained, blocking the ever present lights of the...
The voice called out as he shut the door to the hotel room behind him. "That you, Kevin?" "Yeah, it's me." "Where were you?" Kevin sighed as he rounded the corner and set eyes upon the civet. Aditya Angunn was sitting on the couch of the hotel...
Wants and Needs
Kevin was nervous as he sat, anxiously awaiting a contact request to pop up on his laptop. He nearly jumped out of his scales as his computer beeped, indicating that he had a request. Looking at the name, he confirmed that it was from his new GM, and...
An Unexpected Voyage
Fear. If there was one emotion that Kevin could pin down as the one showing above all others at that moment, it would have been fear. Followed closely by nervousness, excitement, and a glimmer of hope.The auditorium was slowly filling up. Most of...
Only So Far
Kevin sighed, ending the call with Theodore Rockwell. He had asked Theo to call him when he had learned what exactly had caused his friend to pick a fight with a bunch of people in the street. And while based on the reactions Kevin's words had seemed...
Coming Out + Epilogue
Kevin's face froze as he heard the sound of tires on the gravel driveway outside the small, three bedroom home. Kevin shifted uncomfortably on the couch across from the door as he typed out a quick tweet and sent it, letting his friends know he would...
It hadn't taken long for Hal to grab a quick shower in the rather large bathroom. He had been glad that he hadn't been stuck paying for the room by himself, given the cost per night of any hotel in Vegas. He slipped from the shower stall, wrapping a...
Courtside Chat
The restaurant was surprisingly crowded for a Tuesday afternoon as Kevin looked across the table at his friends. All around them, the blue and white of Alaska jerseys filled the tables. Here and there, small pockets of people wore the darker blue and...
Kevin sat down on the edge of the bed, staring at the phone in his paws. The thing was huge, by phone standards, but it fit perfectly in his hands. His fingers tapped across the screen, and with a sigh, he hit send. He watched the app spin its wheels...
Memorial Day Breakdown
Kevin looked down at the twitter feed in his hand; it showed a picture of Aditya Anggun. The civet was dressed in his uniform, saluting to the camera. Based on the previous tweets, he intended to take the rest of the day off, to attend the Memorial Day...
Isn't It Beautiful
Miko blinked himself awake. The sun was still low in the sky, shedding its morning light onto his face. He yawned with a stretch, turning himself over in the rope hammock, his heavy tail pulled loose from its entanglement. Bright eyes caught his own...