John sat on the couch and silently read a book to himself while Ganta sat at another desk doing the same. While the two always didn't get along, they had a shared trait of keeping themselves buried in a book if they didn't want to interact with each...
Flicker Away
**G** anta stood by himself, chuckling and in a slightly whining voice spoke. "Oh what a show that was. It's about time I got him to snap, even if only for a moment." Ganta took a deep breathe and smiled. Out of no where, John showed up and looked at...
Ganta watched as John sang to himself. "What on Earth are you singing?" To which John sang louder. "We can be like they are, come on baby don't fear the reaper. Come on take my hand--" Ganta walked right up to him and slapped him firmly. John shut up...