Flicker Away

Story by John Eweans on SoFurry

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I'm really happy with this story actually, very well written for something I did in such a short amount of time.

G anta stood by himself, chuckling and in a slightly whining voice spoke. "Oh what a show that was. It's about time I got him to snap, even if only for a moment." Ganta took a deep breathe and smiled. Out of no where, John showed up and looked at him from behind, a look of playful anger.

"Ganta!" He yelled out.

Ganta straightened his poster and turned around, retaining the cold voice he normally used. "What the hell do you want?"

John stopped a fair distance from him and kept quiet. Ganta growled and spoke louder. "What, do you want?" As the words slipped through his mouth, John had charged at him within a admirable speed. He hit Ganta in the face with a fist and in the gut with an elbow. Ganta hit the ground and looked up at the attacker. He grew enraged and yelled at him. "Getting unpredictable I see!" Before Ganta could get up, John summoned the white misty wolf again and pointed at Ganta, sending the wolf in to bite down on his neck, the long sharp claws digging into his torso like a knife to paper. Ganta groaned in pain and attempted to grab the wolf by the only touchable parts, the spiked horns.

He easily shook off the creature, only to have John bring forth another, and pitch black foggy wolf that looked the same; only with longer up right horns. The black one turned into a thick layer of fog and Ganta was as good as blind. The white wolf seemed to have vanished. Ganta stumbled up, holding himself and panting, waiting for the next due attack. Sure enough John rammed into him from behind then hastily moved in front of him to jab his bowls with the dagger at the end of his weapon. John never let up either, he repetitively punched Ganta all over until he collapsed on the spot. The fog cleared up and the two wolves stood on each side of John as he looked down at the blood choked Ganta. John spoke firmly to him.

"Look at feeble you've become, that was rarely a fight." He never broke a smile, and simply sent the wolves to turn into a smoke, they filled the lungs of Ganta and he instantly sprung on all fours to wheeze and soon enough not make any noise at all. He held his throat, which was surely burning. John kicked his head back to the ground and then finally smiled at the gurgling sounds coming from the illusion. John kept his foot pinned to Ganta's head as he spoke with glee.

"You fail to realize just how strong I am Ganta. How your strength only comes from the energy of a boy who getting real tiered of your shit."

Ganta however managed to speak up, only in a quiet mutter. "...Wh-what are you... going to do n-- now? It's not like you can kill me.... Not for good. ...I'll just regather in his mind, I won't just ... flicker away!"

"Nor will I... yet. Sooner or later Matthew and Jessi will be on an even level, leaving the both of us to fade away. However, if I can make you go away that much faster, I will." John stomped down on Ganta's head a couple of times before backing off. John raised his scythe but before he could swing it, a female voice called out.

"John!" It was Jessica.

John froze up and looked over at her, in shock and in question. "How did you? ... What are you doing here?" He recoiled and jogged over to the girl.

She pointed at Ganta and commanded him to "Fix him now." John's jaw dropped and he looked like a child that just got told to put a toy back on the shelf; a look of sadness and disappointment. He however obeyed and whistled out, calling back the wolves who than faded away as they left. John looked back and her, then Ganta many times before finally speaking.

"I can't fix him any more than that. His body will decide if he makes it, he's been poisoned. His lungs filled with his blood and his organs with many wounds." He spoke over the damage.

Jessica walked to him, sure that he wouldn't do anything. John stood very close to her still. Jessica knelled down and lightly ran her hand over the broken body. She nearly whispered. "Don't act like that was all you could of done. I made you a doctor, you know very well he won't make it."

John nodded and crossed his arms. "He wasn't meant to make it. I could patch him up... but the blood loss here is dramatic, and until Matthew actually gives him more power, he'll be crippled. ... Hopefully." John quickly stopped talking and paused then looked confused at Jessica. "Why the hell are you saving his monster?!" He spoke fast and worried.

Jessica stood back up and huffed. "What if Ganta won this fight?" She said plainly.

John seemed to wince as he spoke. "I wouldn't die. I would just be healed within your mind. Same goes for Ganta, for any of us really."

"In other words, you just wanted to beat the shit out of him?"

John shook his head no. "Yes and no..."


John sighed and turned his head. "You can be the hard outside... but I'm the cream filling. It hurts me to have him around, I'm always afraid something horrid will happen to you, and Matthew for that matter! Isn't it a good thing I'm actively trying to rid us of this issue?"

Jessica moved over to John and hugged him, John at first pulled back but then gripped her. Muttering the stupidity of her choice to have him back off of Ganta. The two watched as Ganta's body turned into a pool of black mist, fading away. Jessica pondered it and John simply answered. "He's going to Matt... He'll be fine, as if this never happened once he returns. Pity." He bite his tongue. The two ended up back in Jessica's room, still in an embrace.