POEM: A Journey
Sitting in the daffodils and tulips, Never feeling useless. So alive, At the wonderful age of five. Full of life, magic everywhere. Everyone you meet, with so much to share. Dreams of wolf life, so vivid and surreal. Ask me; I tell you they...
POEM: Walking In Front Of Me!
**I will try to keep this terse. This poem has 2 lines of mildly suggestive verse. It also has one weak swear word . In other areas, things may have gotten blurred I admit my style is probably rather unfashionable and simple, but it is what rolls...
Poem: Double Life (of depression)
**Double life** **Coming and going like waves of water The storm would be easier, as an otter. Depression is growing ever hotter. Whispering in my ear, "go to the slaughter". Why can't humans stop killing? Obviously lacking something...
POEM: Sunshine And Stychnine
Don't forget the good times My best partner in crime Joy rides and sunshine No concept of strychnine Wooded trails, so dark and serene Walking kept us fit and lean All the mountains to climb All the things to see Can we get there in time?...