Gift From Heaven Part 1 :Nowhere Chapter 2 : New Allies

Gift From Heaven Part 1 : Nowhere Chapter 2 : New Allies A Few hours later Gabriel's patrol squad was sitting and talking in the new camp situated about half a day away from the Devil's army. They were talking and wondering who to recruit, they...

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Gift From Heaven Part 1 : Nowhere Chapter 1: Augury of War

**Gift From Heaven** **Part 1: Nowhere Chapter 1: Augury of War** It was a routine patrol, just to check how things were going on the east line . Only a few angels from different levels, nothing big. Things seemed to be really good, demons hadn't...

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Gift From Heaven World Introduction

**Gift From Heaven World Introduction** We are going to start our story in a place where all powers and mights have their beginning, in a place where all begun and all will end. It was called Nowhere . In this place are fought never-ending wars...

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