Descent Ch 2 Pt 2: Investigation

"Ya all set and ready to go man?" "Yea, this is kind of exciting, to be able to go out and perform like a real soldier. It was something I thought about when I was a child." The fox smirked and rolled his eyes "Well we are real soldiers now and you...

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Descent Ch 2 Pt 1: Recruitment

Time seemed to move so slowly in that room. It had only been half an hour in there talking with the medic, whom everyone calls Duke, but it seemed like hours with him throwing so many questions at me. What was my blood type? Am I allergic to anything?...

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Descent: Prologue

Darkness... Screams... cries for help... What does it all mean? Am I just imagining it all... or is it real? Where am I? When am I? How did I get here? My mind was swirling with thoughts, but one kept echoing louder than all the rest... ....What...

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- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 11

Chapter 11 \*Warning\* This chapter takes a small step beyond the normal teasing, suggestive flirtiness; there will be indirect yiff involved. Please if you have a weak heart, are against any of this, blah blah know the drill. I will not be...

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- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 10

...Chapter 10... This chapter is probably going to get me killed, but oh well; enjoy the read. \*Note - "..." = Normal conversation. '...' = Character's own thoughts. '_Italics'_ = Telepathic conversation.\* \*\*Warning\*\* This chapter, once again,...

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- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 9

Chapter 9... A fair warning to all who read this: Major flirting occurs in this chapter along with suggestive themes. Also conversations of adult nature occur within as well so if you cannot handle anything that contains adult themes...why the hell...

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- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 8

Chapter 8, the finale in the 'Series of Encounters'. Since you all are dying to read to find out what happens; I'll just move on without a lengthy intro. \*Oh and once again, some major flirting occurs and some suggestive moments but of course no...

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- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 7

Chapter 7; hmm maybe I am taking this too far......nah. So let's open the book and turn the page to read on about Pearl's little adventures. \*Oh and a word of caution; this chapter contains some major flirting and suggestive themes, but alas no...

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- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 5

OK, chapter 5. Getting tired yet? Yes? Too bad. No? Good, there's still more to be read. Moving on...Let's see how Pearl does when she meets her next sibling. Pokémon © of Nintendo & Gamefreak. Storyline and characters © of me (Enigma...

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- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 3

Ch. 3, here we go \*Note\* This chapter is longer than the others I will be releasing at the same time. It does go past my normal 10,000, but don't worry; it's not another 18,000 word one like the previous. Ok, why don't I cut to the chase since no...

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- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 2

Ok, Chapter 2! Oh my god... 18,000 words... what the hell was I thinking? If I don't wake up tomorrow, don't be surprised. On a more serious note, the next set of chapters will focus on encounters, one for each eeveelution sibling and Pearl. With...

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- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 1

Ok, Chapter 1, bit of a pain in the ass. (No, not in that way, you pervs.) This chapter is the longest yet, with me breaking 10,000 words. At the end of this chapter and future chapters, I am going to ask two questions about the story to see if you...

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