Daily Tale 07/28/14: Parkour

"Shit." That was the one thought going through his head. He felt his fur ruffling in the wind as his situation became more hopeless. Xavier was panicking, this was it. He was sure of it. All the background noise of the busy city and panicking people...

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Daily Tale 07/25&26/14: Game Day

Daily Tale June 25th & 26th, 2014 Game Day The first rays of morning sunlight shone in through a window, waking up a young canine cub. Hato opened his amber eyes and was greeted with a site he wasn't used to yet; the white ceiling of Mika's...

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Daily Tale 07/24/14: Sick Day

Darius wasn't having a good day. He woke up feeling terrible and it only intensified after he spent some time outdoors. The young dragon said goodbye to his friends before heading back home, feeling more heated and miserable by the minute. Darius...

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Facing the Real World 2: Maturing. (Scrapped)

**AN: I never got to describe Darius so much so here's a brief description.** # Darius: _Height: 5'8'_ _Personality: helpful and Cheery_ _Likes: cars, COD, T.V Adventure time, Regular show, Computers_ _Dislikes: nosy people, impatient people and...

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Rekuiem's Oddest Christmas Party

Rekuiem sighed, he was walking back to a rather small mountain, though people for some reason did not travel to it much, meaning it was the perfect place for Rekuiem to live in as it was quiet and mostly pollution free. When he entered his cave Rekuiem...

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Facing the Real World Chapter 1: Beginning (Scrapped)

"huh...What...How" Darius stammered, Then he fainted. _Two days earlier_ Friday June 14th,2013 "Man" Thought Darius "Health class was to descriptive for my comfort." As he walked outside he heard a yell "Hey! Darius" Darius looked over and saw Jan....

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A Cruel Fate

Thud! The body of a hero's only son hit the concrete hard as lightning flashed throughout the village hidden in the leaves, blood splattering on the ground from his wound. The soaked, sobbing mess of a child coughed up blood due to the kunai in his...

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