Facing the Real World Chapter 1: Beginning (Scrapped)

Story by Darius The Dragon on SoFurry

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#1 of Facing The Real World

This is Chapter one of "Facing The Real World". It's a story about my character Darius and what he's been/going through.

I rewrote this on the fourth of December 2013. I'm sorry for it being so short but it was the best I could do with so little material to begin with in the first place... I tried.

Scrapped, soo terrible.... Shakes head in shame

"huh...What...How" Darius stammered, Then he fainted.

Two days earlier

Friday June 14th,2013

"Man" Thought Darius "Health class was to descriptive for my comfort." As he walked outside he heard a yell "Hey! Darius" Darius looked over and saw Jan. Approaching him he replied with "Hey Jan, my man! So what did you want me for shorty?" Questioned Darius. Darius was no hulk but he was certainly tall for a 12 year old. Much taller than Jan. Darius Was about 5'8'' and Jan was about 5'4'. "I was wondering if you could come over maybe play some GTA and whatnot. You know, like we used to." Now if I know Darius, and I do because Darius represents me then know that he gladly accepted that offer, blindly following his love for GTA. Before he left Darius informed his mother that he'd be at Jan's house and to pick him up at 7:30. At Jan's House Darius and Jan both played various games in the GTA series and some Mario kart. They also had cupcakes and watched some videos. After Darius had left Jan fell asleep, being too tired to eat dinner. That night Darius had to stay up late to work on his homework he so carelessly forgot. "Go to bed." Darius heard his mother say. "Shit I'll have to finish in the morning!" Darius panicked. "I won't have enough time!". While lying on his bed, restless and freezing Darius thought he saw his breath in the air as if it was cold. "Man, now I'm being delusional" Thought Darius Before he fell into a restless sleep. During his sleep he had an unusual dream. In the dream he was being swarmed by his friends and people he didn't know. He was being shouted at but all he could hear was a deafening ringing sound. He looked around confused and spotted Jan next to him. He tried to talk, but nothing came out. When he tried to tap Jan on the shoulder, ice appeared there and everyone cheered and screamed, though Darius didn't hear them.

Jose was having a similar dream, except he burned Darius instead.