The greatist story ever wrote

The bat stood over his his portable computer smiling as the story gushed out of him at an amazing rate. "Oh," he said as he hit the back space after noticing he spelled a word wrong, "Wouldent want to give those grammer nazi's ammo." He notices that he...

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Story that got me a perfect score on the SAT

Prompt: Write about a time when you were afraid and eventully got over your fears and accomplished something great. This one time i was taking a very important test and after doing very well on the multiple choice i got to the essay portion of the...

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Story that got me a perfect score on the SAT

Prompt: Write about a time when you were afraid and eventully got over your fears and accomplished something great. This one time i was taking a very important test and after doing very well on the multiple choice i got to the essay portion of the...