The cruise part 2:i'm still on my way

I felt myself laying down yet moveing i figerd i must be in the car. Stragley the rough car set i was used to wakeing up on when i go on a long car trip was soft and warm and insted of the contry music my parents would always have on i heard a humming...

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the cruise part 1:on my way

Ok i'm typing this at 12:50 am i'm tired and i have school yes i still have school shh i will make this as well spelled as i can and fix it when i can so go on read it now.....why you still reading this read the story...............GO! It was...

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The fox and the pound part 2: old love and fear a new

We where comeing back from a failed hunt with are tummy's still empty and no hunt left we went ahead and left the woods to go and see if there is anything outsied of are land that we been in all are life.We where at the vary eage of the woods and we...
