Transcendent Pt.5

Chapter 5: Final test I awoke in my room, I have a slight sense of insanity in my mind, I don't know why but it's there.As the typical day goes I get up, I get dressed, and then I get taken to my testing room today's test took place in testing 021....

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Transcendent Pt.4

Chapter 4: Planning I sit in my cell awaiting for nighttime, but as I sat guards came into my cell and one of them said "We dearly apologize but there is one more test left for today..." after he said that they grabbed me and took me to "Testing 035"...

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Transcendent Pt.3

Chapter 3: Extraordinary "Well...Im dangerous now." I say to myself as I get up from my bed. What will i do today? Another test just like yesterday... Maybe I have to move something else with my mind. I get myself ready for another day of testing,...

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Transcendent Pt.2

Chapter 2: Mind Over Matter I woke up the next morning with a rather confused feeling about what happened last night. Similar to yesterday the guards came in and took me to the testing room except they took me to "Testing 016". When I walked into the...

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Transcendent Pt.1

Chapter 1: Test 001 "Ugh... What happened?" Jake said when he awoke within a rather unfamiliar room... He wondered where he was, after a couple seconds Jake got up and walked around the room he was in... It was rather basic, it looked like your...

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Your God

The world is dying Your God can't save you He will leave you to perish Your God is cruel He will let us die He won't save you Why do you worship him Your God is cruel He created all of our pain He is corrupt Why should we worship...

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Call me by my name It's all I ask For I've been labeled The loser The failure To never fit in with the rest I want fit in To be normal I know that I can't For I am afraid I want to fit in People label others For they think it's funny It's...


How did I fall for you

How can I decode this script When your breaking up my soul I'm losing it now Losing it all the time Your the kind that tricks It's prey into thinking It's okay, and then you kill them off Slowly Slowly killing How did I fall for you When I...