Curse Claws Ch.2 Setting the Stage.

Sorry it took so long, things have been insane around here! Now that things have calmed down a bit, I should be able to post much more often! Feel free to leave comments! I love feedback! =3 Enjoy! Setting the Stage. It was hot,...

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Curse Claws Ch. 1 Fear Incarnate

Curse Claws Chapter 1. Fear Incarnate. Hell. That was the only way to describe the scene in front of Clay as he charged across the battlefield, bullets, dirt and body parts flying all around him. The noise was deafening, officers shouting...

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Our Story Ch2, New Friends.

Sorry for the long time since my last post, I'm currently in the process of moving so my spare time has been very limited. After brainstorming with James, we decided to continue the story in 3rd person rather than 1st like was in chapter 1, which seems...

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Our Story Ch1, The Bigger They Are...

Chapter 1 The bigger they are... "Aiden honey, time to wake up" my mom says, gently shaking my shoulder. "Aww, mom! I don't wanna!" I whine, attempting to crawl deeper under the covers, away from the intrusive sounds and touch. I'd been having...

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Our Story, Prologue

Prologue To understand our story, you first have to know a little bit about us and where we come from. My name is Aiden; I'm a 22 year old wolf with dark grey fur on my back, arms and legs, streaked through with patches of black. A softer, light...

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