More sheep stew for us
Jerry the chicken came inside the apartment angry. Yellow and loadedgun looked away from the sheep stew they were eating. ''What's wrong Jerry?'' Yellow said and got up and looked at a small disgusted sheep girl! She walked out and jerry left next...
non american LoadedGUN sells the gamerstation!
His roommate was right! He knew he needed to get a job and stop playing these games! He went to the gamerstation store to sell his gamerstation to the cat worker his roommate bought it from. He could not stop looking at his old gamerstation...
Alphys Höek CHAPTER 6
CHAPTER 6 "Good-bye, everybody! I hope you all enjoyed the show, because I sure did!" Mettaton laughed as the entire crowd lifted him up and carried him out the door, where he then ordered a limo straight back to his house and spent the rest of the...
Jade's trip to the fair 2
* * * **Chapter 2** * * * Jade was watching Poke'mon, when Archer walked in . "It's 3:00, Fair time," he said lifting Jade from the couch, and suddenly noticed Jade was wet "Wait the shows almost over." Jade protested. "Well guess its a good time...
The Meteor Kitten
I'll be honest with you. I nearly fucking died when that thing landed. It was _way_too close to the house, what with the way in blew the windows into my face just as I turned in the direction of the orange glow. If I hadn't been wearing my glasses,...
A burning passion
Your love burns bright in my heart, like a wildfire it spreads through me. Burning holes in my soul and mind, filled only by the thought of you. 'Cause you are my lifeblood, and although blood may be thinker than water, I want you to be my wine. I...
Be My Master
_Hello, everyone. I'd like to tell you something odd. My name is Kurt and I have a fetish with licking tears from muzzles/snouts of crying anthros. I'm not sadistic or cruel. As a matter of fact, I have a very compassionate heart. It's just that, I...
Pictures of Snow
"Stay out there any longer, Buckley, n' you'll catch pneumonia," Asher warned as he leaned on the door frame. "I'll be fine, Ash. Just- keep the door open. Please." Richard requested. "N' let out all the hot air! Are you crazy?! No siree...
Jade's trip to the fair
"you're adorable." archer said as he put his and jades plates in the sink. "come on let's get you dressed." archer replied before lifting him from the high-chair and carrying him up the stairs, and into his room.
Family Journal Chapter 1
"you two are just adorable!" archer walked into the kitchen, glancing at the setting sun, "bed soon." justin softly gurgled, before yawning softly, rubbing his eyes."can you put them to bed? me and nick have a date night."
Christmas Morning
Jade asked, looking pleadingly up at archer and the fox smiled warmly down at the adorable padded kitten. "sure." archer replied, sitting down on the couch to watch.
Child's Play
_ **Child's Play** _ _She learns to dance_ _He learns to play_ _The two in-sync_ _And continue the display_ _She keeps in time_ _He leads her prance_ _Steady and clear_ _Children play, music and dance_ _Mother walks by_ _And takes a peek_ _A...