'The Struggle' - Chapter 1

**_THE STRUGGLE; Chapter 1_** **_By Nikita._** **_FA:_** **_SOFURRY: [https://snow-flake-1.sofurry.com/](https://snow-flake-1.sofurry.com/)_** **_----_** Snow Flake: © Nikita. _The Struggle_: © Nikita * * * Author's Note: This story is really...

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A Thin Line - Part Two: Love

The hardest part is always saying goodbye, that's the part he dreaded the most. If he could slip out the back door and be on his way, he would. At the same time, he knew he could not live with himself if he left without saying goodbye to his parents,...

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Chapter 1- Boot Camp

Morning. That most dreadful time of day, the part where your alarm or mother tells you that you need to begin it. That time where you leave behind your dreams, the ones where you have your Destiny Mark, telling you what you are going to be good at. I...

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Captivity Ch. 2

Captivity - Jaye's Story - Chapter 2 This was a nightmare. There was no way that this was happening to me. I closed my eyes right after this heart-wrenching news. I needed to get away from here. Whatever this place was, it wasn't going to improve my...

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The Gift: Introducing the Spirits, part 3 of 3

He awoke during the bombing of england in world war ii and spent some time among the carnage, doing what he could to rebuild his strength after so long asleep.

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World descriptions

The reasons are lost to history so far, but the world has been drastically changed by this since 1996(the date of the first changes of everyone over adolescence) and even more by the plague war (known as world war ii in our world).

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Memorial to a Coyote

In honor of memorial day and the valuable sacrifices of he courageous soldiers who fought in world war ii.

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Discovery - Chapter 5, Forgotten

During world war ii, we went under ground, literally. we hid away on the island, and destroyed everything that would pick up or send radio signals. we had no troubles, and no one knew about the island, or the power within.


Inferno High - Chapter 20

"theorium is a strange metal, but has been the key source of technological advancements in science since before world war ii. it's behaviour with energy isn't entirely understood, but we believe it converts dark energy into regular energy.

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Innovation - 4 + 5, Blazing Fire and Indefinitive

So you're aware that the only reason it didn't become a governmental project is because world war ii began when it was made. lucky timing, right?" "if you're implying that we started world war ii, than you're just as dumb as every other american.

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He protected me during what your species call world war ii, and from your government until help arrived. this took three years and in that time, we bonded and he taught me your langue. our families kept in touch over the centuries.

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The Sable Islands

In world war ii, when the japanese were pushing to claim the pacific, the sable islands were chosen for a secret project to intercept us naval shipments but were soon cut off to any resources once the american pacific campaign spearheaded towards the

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