
Introduction:- Nobody knows when nor how it happened. The day became known by many names, depending on who you ask, but is the day where everything changed. Many people all over the world awoke to amazing powers inspired by deities, beasts, and...

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WereWorld: Manual

The World:- A modern-scifi/cyberpunk world with fantasy elements parallel to the Earth that we know, with beastmen and humans and everything in between. There are four races in this world: Humans, Half-Beasts, Beastmen, and Were-Beasts, with the...

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Welcome to Mayhemodium

The chaotic world of lewd, horny, and very NSFW toons of all kinds and sizes, nothing chaos and uninhibited shenanigans ensuing on a regular, daily basis. That's life in Mayhempodium. Cities & Regions:- Loon York: Bustling city of mayhem and...

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Unknown Worlds: Loving Start

Unknown Worlds: Loving Start It had seemed that time had stood still for only a moment. But cheeks grew red while my mind was heated inside my head as if I was an oven baking a half cook brain. Does anyone want one? Anyway, I stared my eyes upon her....

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Soul Harvesters: Manual

World:- A modern-cyberpunk world with fantasy elements that is somewhat similar to our own. A world that finds itself under threat by unknown and unseen forces, but there are those who are able to protect it against said forces. Technology is a...

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Lowball is one of the most popular sports in all of Sweetwater. Played with a specially treated ball of purple hart leather with just enough air magic to enforce the rules. The challenge of lowball is that the ball is not allowed to raise over half a...

World of Osmis: Races

Main Races:- Humans:- The 'first' of the world of Osmis and the children of the king of gods. That's basically the reason why many humans think themselves higher and better than all the other races and most of them are of royal or noble blood. But...

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Untamed Love - Chapter 2

Memo: Sorry it took so long I was busy with work and .... Playing the sims3 for the joy of watching my kids burn down the kitchen ^\_^ anyways on with the story . The walk to Lost City was a quiet and awkward one. She walked quietly next to him, her...

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World of Aurum: Manual

Introduction:- Many millennia ago an evil god tried to enslave all of the females in the world in order to create an army of monsters to conquer both the world of mortals and the land of the gods, but the other gods, catching wind of that plan, fought...

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World of Osmis: Classes

Basic Classes:- The starting classes that adventurers have to master before going on to more advanced classes. Warrior: Weilders of various melee weapons, a great way to get the feel of various close-range weapons before setting on one. Pugilist:...

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World of Osmis: Nations

Erossia:- A vast desert nation in the South Eastern reaches of the Romos continent. Erossia is a land of opportunity and opulence for those, who have the tools and wits to toil through its endless sandy dunes for the rich ores and jewels beneath the...

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The childhood part 3

The childhood part 3 Just wanna say, I don't own Pokemon or Yugioh or anything! So I owe credit mostly to Nintendo and Konami. And be sure to start from part one to know what is going on. I observed my new body. I could not believe the changes: my...

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