Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 4

IV Kidnapped At 0900 the next morning, I arrived at the Khorchan ship, as promised. (This was a subtle dig at the Khorcha concerning what they did at Tonojen.) Dreydos seemed truly delighted that I had kept my promise. I reminded him that Admiral...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 5

V Talo-Vy (Day 1 on Tashoo) (Early Afternoon) I don't know how long I had been unconscious. I just know that, eventually, I awoke. I was weak, almost too weak to think, let alone move. When I awoke, I felt as if I was lying on the softest fur rug...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 2

II The War Begins 1 June 2432 Graduation from ITNA Having worked hard for the last four years, I earned top honors for my graduating class. I was the class commander and a proper military man. I had endured all of the hazing during my...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 18

XVIII Creating Talo-Vy's Army (Day 125 on Tashoo) Another nightmare, why do I have these nightmares and what do they have to do with me? They are all different, yet, I know they are all related, but I don't know how they are related to me. As...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 3

III The Khorchan Ambassadors On 21 November 2432 (Terran date), a combined force from the Empires of Khorcha (KHOR-chah) and Yavkognia (Yahv-KOG-nee-ah) attacked the Interstellar Terran Navy Base at Tonojen (Tuh-NOH-jehn). At that time, Tonojen...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 20

As he is sitting, he says, "senator, this william watson sounds like the kind of person that could be useful to us in the future. do you not agree?" "it all depends on to what you are referring, kragor."

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 6

**VI** ** ** **My New Home** **(Day 1 on Tashoo)** **(Evening)** After we left the, for want of a better word, palace of the leader of these felines, we again walked through the village. Once again, we were occasionally accosted by the...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 15

XV Lo-Katoo (Day 110 on Tashoo) I can't believe it! Three nights in a row? I've been before the Ishoo'se Aka'ny the last two days. I had convinced them that my ideas would mean it to be detrimental to put me to death. I can't think of any reason...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 26

XXXVI Katoo's Midnight Visit (Day 201 on Tashoo) Sleep. Wonderful, restful sleep. A hard day working deserves a nice pleasant night of sleep. Sleep punctuated with dreams; pleasant, wonderful, enjoyable dreams. Dreams with a beautiful...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 28

XXVIII Summoned Again (Day 212 on Tashoo) It has been quiet these last ten days or so. I haven't experienced any kind of nightmare. I have been able to sleep and awaken completely rested. That is, until tonight. Tonight another damnable...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 19

XIX The Decision of the Aka' (Day 126 on Tashoo) Rora and I backed out of the Ishoo'se Choko Aka'ny toward the door to the anteroom. Just as we reached the door, it opened. Te'-Maky was still there at his proper place right beside the door and...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 10

X The Ka'yno threatens Rora (Day 49 on Tashoo) (Afternoon) A short while later, I heard someone scratching on the door of my room. I answered the door and saw Ara standing there. She said, "Mvilu, Kyna is here. He says that he would answer any...

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