Amber Silverblood: Chapter Thirty Two

Chapter Thirty Two The walk back to the Swag Pags' house went by a lot slower than the run to the store, but not nearly as slow as I needed it to be. As guilty as I felt for trying to steal from Chuck, it was being dwarfed by the thought of what...

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The Lead Crown: Ch 8.2a, Rude Awakenings

So: keep with the weekly updates or go back to every-other-week?

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The Lead Crown: Ch 8.2b, A Dozen 'Tails' Told

So: keep with the weekly updates or go back to every-other-week?

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The Lead Crown: Ch 8.2c, The Great Illusion

So... at this point there is a very big question: would readers like weekly updates or is it better to provide them every other week to give people a chance to vote?

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Don't Ask the Compass (Otherwise Untitled)

#63 of short stories an owl prepares for a weekly update meeting, explaining the origin of one of her religious practices.

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Walk in the Wastes #1: August 15th, 2279

Starts as a recollection to the point that bishop is writing the story, then will continue on as weekly updates as the story unfolds.

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Believe - Chapter 1: The Moon

No worries, the weekly updates for summer heat will still come. because if time problems (and other things) the chapter are a bit shorter (even than christmas valley) but i hope you like them anyway.

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Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 10

._ _thank you all who read this and now that i've finished i can make this a weekly update. hope you enjoyed, please comment and rate or i don't know whether i need to improve or not so i am grateful for all constructive criticism._

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Worlds Apart - Chapter One

. :-) i'm aiming for weekly updates, posted on wednesday. okay, let's punch that magic "publish" button and see how the formatting turns out!! dan wrapped his fingers around the knurled steel bar and pushed against it.

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Jeremy 005; A shock To The System

Also, the rewrite has advanced to chapter 26 so there'll be weekly updates for some time to come. i'll work on having more substance to that beginning snark in future updates too. as always, i'm open to questions.


Amber Silverblood: Chapter Seventy One

Also, don't forget-- if you're tired of waiting for my weekly updates, get on amazon and buy the complete book! it's only $16, and you're getting the entire story, even the chapters i haven't uploaded yet! quite a deal, yes?

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