Der Maelstrom

Der Maelstrom is calling, The call our forefathers heeded. Feel the pull on your soul, Now still ever more needed. My heart it did well cajole, Says my mentor most imploringly. Hail Odin, Hail the Weres, Curse the ones who brought despair! The...

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Behold (Kreet 28)

the truth shall set you free. free of your misplaced affection for these fellow creatures you brought in with you. i will show you reality. only then will i take over your tiny brains. you will fight for me, kill for me and die for me.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 21

Well, as the saying goes, "the truth shall set you free." however, i also thought about another old saying, "the best defense is a good offense." i asked him, "would it make a difference who is being untruthful?"

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