The Bar

It was a cold and rainy night when he padded into the bleeding heart bar. his grayish fur was soaked and matted down looking disheveled and not all the great looking.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 46

He had known that the bleeding heart he had thrown in wardo's face was no more than a ball of snow. he had known that the maw growing out of his neck was just his normal (albeit hideous) grin. but now...

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 46

He had known that the bleeding heart he had thrown in wardo's face was no more than a ball of snow. he had known that the maw growing out of his neck was just his normal (albeit hideous) grin. but now...

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 21

"ever the bleeding heart, love," night star said with a chuckle, surrounding her with the deep silence about her mind, further dimming the mrr'ouwffi, at least for the moment, until she'd regained control of her own feelings.

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Hotel Emperador - Chapter 5: Alderocobaladrite

The raptor twisted his face in disturbance and repulsion as he remembered the bleeding heart and the skulls he found back then. out of sudden, the lion jantheno mcrue walked into the scene.

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Chapter V: Time of the Vampires

The thought of me is forever; in the bleeding hearts of men, in their vanity and obsecrate and lust. nothing shall ever destroy me, nothing!" diamond said as his body glowed and his energy was drained. "go to hell!"

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Platinum Light

Ever the bleeding heart," tiamat laughed, clearly entertained by her brother's suffering. "you are weak and pathetic, bahamut. mortals are mere pawns. tools to be wielded by the gods. they either _obey_ or they are _destroyed_."

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