Making A Killing - Anthro Orca TFs
"So, how much farther out to sea are you taking us, Phil?" Peter asked, the youth's silver hair blowing about in the wind as their rental boat zipped along the water's surface, leaving foamy trails in its wake. "It feels like we've been traveling for...
Project Azura: A guide to Valentia
Toxic chemicals from sunken ships and inaccurate weapons fire along with falling wreckage are the main cause. ## technology technology in valentia can be approximated to be the equivalent of the 90's.
Astaroth part2 chapter2 -How it all began
This coral atoll was made centuries ago (mid 21st century) out of garbage, scrap metal, and some sunken ships. the place hasn't been used in decades.
Chocobo Macro Raiding Party
"my comrade oswald told me there is a nearby town filled with robbers that got to steal some treasure from sunken ships and from sailing ships. our job is to retrieve said treasures and to stop the robbers that caused it for good...
Tropical - Chapter Six
Rye swam toward an old wooden sunken ship and went in through the cracked hull. he held his gun at ready but no one else was in the ship.
Splintered Light, Chapter 6.4: Anache u' Tonn
Somewhere down there was rock and earth and, if what the lookouts said was to be believed, a sunken ship.
Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter Sixteen
It was a veritable cornucopia of lost cargo and sunken ships. their rotting hulks left to pepper the landscape like broken teeth. shiro stepped off the landing ramp and onto the waiting sand. forty-nine caught him as he lost his balance.
The Malefor Chronicles Chapter 3: Quest for the Truth
Half sunken ships lay in the water and pieces of wreckage scattered the waters. spyro remembered where those came from. during his quest to defeat gaul, he was captured and put on a pirate ship.
My Nightmare
I scurried over to him with my visage in the shape of a sunken ship; the only thing holding my fur on was the pure fact that it was attached. this look did nothing in regards to getting sympathy from tony, though.
Before and After - Simon
Rumour had it that they were the etchings of the ringleaders of the strikes and riots that used to be based out of the old sunken ship. simon was swimming a quick circuit of the cavernous interior, cutting close to the base.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 9.1 - A Call Against Bastardom
Sometimes there was an old sunken ship, sometimes a box someone had thrown time she found a sword from the 1500s, it was beautiful!
Spring Fever Chapter 4: Hot Bretons (RAW)
Aside from the wooden interior, there are obligatory hathain seaside decor, andalusian nets, french sabers, rebel guns, and a fragment of some sunken ship, be it union, spanish, german, or japanese.