Skylands: Hypoxia and Edema

In a flash, everything one of the storm dragons breathed upon was transformed into something else. stone, wood, plants, animals, cars, _people_ ... all were changed in the blocks-wide columns of breath the dragons vomited into the streets.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Six: Worlds Beyond Walls

"i do not know why the storm dragons summon their chunks of world into the lightlands above talvali. but i do know that those people, rare as they are, are scared and frightened.

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Chapter 3-The Final Student

"and miranda you posses the mighty storm dragon who brings destruction in its wake." at first miranda was disappointed but fang smiled as he finished his speech.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Prelude: “Winds of Ice”

It's so large, that--" "there have been no storm dragons at all," bennet said. "i've been watching the sky since we arrived. i logged every observation in the days leading up to the appearance of the stormwall."

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Of course, there are other kinds of storm dragons, but most of them would rather not venture too far from their home climates, and thus, the storms they love.

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Esmeralda's Destiny

She leaned against the counter, pretending like she was acting cool, but really, even in her dream, she didn't need some storm-dragon guy with golden eyes seeing her body near nude.

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Zero Days SInce

By now, the titanic storm dragon had swelled far closer to five miles in height than a single mile.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part Two - “Talvali”, Chapter Twelve: Fragments and Perspectives

"no; not a storm dragon. a regular, uh... damn. never mind." he staggered back to where he had stored some of his weaponry in a deck-fastened long box. he ignored the booming her crescent-shaped hooves made against the wood as she followed.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 25

One of the young male's squealed, surprisingly he was normal, lacking any visible alterations to his body or clothing nearly the entire group yelped and backed down,, even the previously storming dragoness retreated a couple of steps.

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