The Dark Sorceress

The Dark Sorceress By Xan Steel A Slayers Fan Fiction. Captain Hycote had been summoned to Fleet Admiral Gorina for reasons as of yet unknown. It always made him nervous heading to her office as it typically meant he was about to get a reprimand of...

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The Arcane Warrior - The Art of Combat and Survival Without Blade or Heavy Steel Vol#1 Destruction

It should also be taken into knowing that rang fighters are very quick and smart enough to move out of the way of on coming spell fire.

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Berserker Part 5: Final Battle

In each hand she held a scimitar, longer and narrower than the ones used by the rest of her army, and the ethereal glow of spell fire flickered around the twin blades.

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99 Chaos Bolts

He could see his shadow flash on the shelves of alcohol behind the bar as a spell fired off behind him, and the tinkle of a shattered ice lance rained in unison with game pieces. "oi! no spell flingin' in me tavern!"

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Berserker Part 3: War

All i could get out of him was that the commander wielded a pair of spell-fire scimitars, and that the burning blades cut effortlessly through both enchanted armor and flesh.

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Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 30

She stomped to their side, ears pinned, eyes as intense as the spell's fire. " got away from me." lyndis opened and closed her hand, poking at the palm to ensure that yes, this was her. "question is if you're alright."

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Keeps and Kobolds II: Nanobolds

The odds of both spells firing off were astronomically low. which meant that since he and calex were in the same room of course it was going to happen!

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5) The Gildergreen

I prepared my own spark spell, firing it off at the woman approaching me, and swapped my bow for the sword as i ran at her.

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