The Silver Dragon

#1 of the silver dragon _well this is my first attempt at writing anything like this so i hope you like it, and please leave some tips on how to improve my writing skillz. thanks and please enjoy! :)_ _\*edit credit to artist of this pic, its awsome!

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The Silver Dragon (Revisited)

#2 of the silver dragon _well i looked back and felt that the first story needed a little work as i rushed it :p and i ended up re-writing the entire thing! so enjoy! and i'll be working on the next chapter soon! thanks for reading!

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Stories in Silver and Gold

Gold dragons build magnificent buildings and libraries to house incredible amounts of books, while silver dragons are story tellers. silver dragons are more nomadic and live fairly simple lives compared to the far more extravagant gold dragons.

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TteotMBD Chapter 11: The Silver Dragon

I know now that stormsun is not able to transfer his soul into my body, neither that of the dark silver dragon either. the silver dragon is a bigger threat than stormsun ever could have been.

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Coming To Terms...

With a brief gallop and a few thrust of his wings, the silver dragon gains momentum and enters flight as his large wings beat.

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The tale of Moka and Silver Chapter 1

You wouldn't happen to be the silver dragon that my father rescued, would you?" moka asks with a quirked eyebrow as she leans back in her seat and looks the silver dragon over a few more times.

Writing Practice: Flashback and Introduction

Unknown by the mages, he sensed the silver dragon in you. instead of simply feasting upon your lifeless corpse and bringing you into the ranks of the undead, he invaded your body and feasted on the power of the silver dragon.

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Unknown Worlds: Tale Mistake

I said nothing and returned my gaze to the silver dragon behind me as his voice called out to me. "what is... your name? young silver dragon?" he spoke, i frowned and replied "neriax." "and where did you came from?"

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Cold Metal: Chapter two: Don't fail master

The silver dragon replied. "yes master, standing down" the tiolix replied, bowing his head, before the portrait disappeared.

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Love Thy Enemy

The lack of love changed her into a monster, but seeing the invulnerability of the silver dragon, she felt sympathy.

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2- Shimmering Shores

A hornless silver dragon with a green underbelly stepped out of the strange phenomenon, his wings folded against him. a look of displeasure plastered across his maw. "kraa!" the silver dragon yelled angrily.

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