Part 4

The odd pair left the dimly lit bar behind them. They walked in silence for a few moments, wondering how best to proceed. "So, Mr. Silver," the taller began, "what do you think of violence?" It took a moment for a reply, "I try to minimize the...

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Arrested several times for reckless driving and for owning illegal fireworks." the worn, ink soaked pages captured the attention of the investigator. "october 12 they made me do it again, they made me watch as they murdered another.


A Silent Soul- Chapter 2

Detectives say the driver of the other vehicle was under the influence of alcohol, and is being charged with dui and reckless driving. moving on to our next article..." i growled slightly at the report, tail swishing agitatedly.

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Canine Punch Out.txt

Quickly melissa and alexander got out of the furd and began to take out the camera and audio equipment and heading inside while trinity was admired by the officers for her bravery and reckless driving that actually stopped anyone from getting injured.

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Jeremy 037; Kaiju Sighting

"if i see any of you recklessly driving into a parking lot like you did, i'll personally give you a lesson in citizenship." jeremy stood his ground among them. they appeared suitably subdued.

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You Can't Hide It Forever - Part 4

._ _"alright, you're being charged with reckless driving and speeding above-"_ _"look, i'm telling you these guys just tried to kill me! look at that dent!" jack pointed to the back the charger. "that's fresh!"

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The Draconian Story: Chapter 3

After they got into the mothshov, richard warned juagar about the reckless driving, but the dark green draconian died hard to the habit and couldn't slow down.

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The Draconian Story: Chapter 20

The car rushed through the war-torn xeno street with ease (because of juagar's reckless driving and the fact that it wasn't his car).

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The Apocalypse Day of Reckoning Part 3

Sylvr continued his reckless driving, letting the cars around him swerve out of the way as he barreled through them, getting flipped off more than once.

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life with a dragon chapter seven

Either this will turn out in my favor and nothing happens or i am going to get a ticket for reckless driving" i say glumly. as i look in the mirror the playlist in itunes changes and the pride starts playing.

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