Fugitive's Trust Chapter 1 Part 2 of 2
She'd been out with friends. They'd opened the pastola pens of a farmer that'd earlier yelled at one of the group for cutting through his fields. Pastola are flightless ugly birds a little larger than a chicken. They have gray feathers and a large...
A Sweet Setup
Campus police show up to our room to arrest him for petty theft or something. so they get in, and in our bedroom boner, on my side, are stacks of stolen university computers." "holy shit!" i exclaim.
Adira Clawhauser Chapter 12
'wait he called a petty theft in the morning, you let the thief go?' 'she had a starving family, mansa. i couldn't do it.' 'ben...' mansa sighed, 'this is another tough part of being a cop.
The Birth of a Phoenix (Chapter 1) (Draft 2)
While i'd initially obtain mine material needs through burglary and petty theft, in recent years i'd gravitated to the drug and alchemical trade.
Chapter 17
They had warriors but those people acted more like a police force arresting the odd criminal for petty theft they were equipped to protect their villages from threats like raiders and thieves but not an army especially one as powerful as odin.
group therapy Part 11
What was it... petty theft?" the boys all exchanged glances, making uncertain fidgets. bandit tail lay dead in the dirt behind him, staring down at the ground. "so, henry, tell me.
Hic Sunt Dracones
Amid reports of petty theft and burglaries came details of a world of heroes straight out of a comic shop. a few names were ones they'd noticed in the dossiers while others were complete mysteries.
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 4 Part 2 of 2
He gently explained to her the basics of the article: she was to be tried in absentia for 23 counts of misdemeanor vandalism and two counts of petty theft.
This, is MY story Part 12
However, petty theft is still very much an issue. usually perpetuated by groups of kids under 21." "...so, in other words, we got robbed!" trey replied putting a hand to his forehead in disbelief. "great. just great!
Zistopia: Inner City Blues Chapter 1
The majority of calls consist of the usual suspects: public drunkenness, petty thefts, and personal emergencies. there's nothing like listening to a fire somewhere burning down an apartment building to keep you going at night.
Ashcroft Investigations: The Case of the Stolen Watch
Isn't petty theft a bit beneath our pay grade?" "when your fridge is empty, nothing is beneath your pay grade." odin grabbed the kitten by the scruff, lifted him up and placed him on atop his hat. "now to the crime scene!"
The Blessed Runaway
I did not think you would stoop to petty theft." "i don't want to go back to the palace." "i know that," galah said, his smile fading, "but you must. today is a very important day for you and your father.