Ch. 1: Walls at Siege

While everyone was picking partners i decided to doodle since i naturally knew no one would pick the new student. i constantly herd a bunch of girls ask jaylin to be their partner, but he kept declining.

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Chapter 2. Welcome the new student.

We have a new student joining us for the rest of the year." a medium sized wolf enterd the room. the only one who really cared was jim. he looked his way and made a mental note of the wolf. the wolf wasn't extremely tall, or extremely short.


My Sword, My Clan 07 - My New Students

It had been years since James felt the familiar throb from inside his head that one only receives from alcohol, a sensation of overworked soreness that normally he would only feel in his arms or legs after working too hard. Now his brain had...

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School Life

Her part to play in the story was that she was the first one to ever meet the new student.

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Tropical - Chapter One

The otter turns in his seat to look behind him, and there he sees a new student that he has not yet seen.

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A new school year

He looked around and didn't see this new student people were talking about and felt a little disappointed, he really wanted to meet him.

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Life of a Little Killer : Chapter 2

You must be the new student?" the teacher said chessy only nodded. "well then" the teacher said as he turn towards the class, "we have a new student joining use today, please help him on the things he don't understand".

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Welcome to.. Shinzuku City! — Chapter 1 — Part Three

Before this could have gotten any worse, the houndoom was set on having the new student transfer seats, although there were none left and he'd just arranged the plan.

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Online Dating Chapter 3: School

Things were slow but i thought what jake had said about a new student sounded interesting. "you said we were getting a new student today..." i said as i put my book bag against the desks. "yea. you didn't get the email?" he asked. "no....

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The First Day

You already know about the welcome committee for the new students?" "yes sir." "well, there is a new student who shares almost every class with you, and i was wondering if â€" " "of course i will!" she said, cutting him off.

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Tropical Revised - Chapter One

He sat casually next to the new student. "hello," the new student said once rye was seated. "thank goodness." "i'm sorry?" rye questioned, confused by the new otter's statement.

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