Out of Time, Out of Space (Full Story)

Out of time, out of space by carl blessing/murphy slaugh (doctor who belongs to bbc, murphy slaugh and rusty blackmist clydesdale belongs to respective selves; ryt sannys, chessis, and cheshire terms belong to synnastyr) **chapter 1** **through

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Out of Time, Out of Space Chapter 1

So, here goes: out of time, out of space by carl blessing/murphy slaugh (doctor who belongs to bbc, murphy slaugh and rusty blackmist clydesdale belongs to respective selves; ryt sannys, chessis, and cheshire terms belong to synnastyr)

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Farewell, My Son.

By murphy slaugh farewell, cody, my dear son. while we were together we had lots of fun. but now your heart has lead you astray, and you are so far away. you've left your friends and family. no more of your shining face we'll see.

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I'll Be Your Friend

I'll be your friend by carl blessing/murphy slaugh are you feeling sad and lonely? do you want to rant and rave? part of you wants to cry, part of you wants to be brave.

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Human tardis by carl blessing/murphy slaugh like that blue police box from the show, doctor who. bigger on the inside than the outside are me and you.

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To My Absent Son

To my absent son by carl blessing/murphy slaugh my absent son, it's been many months since i last saw your face. yet in my mind, i still see and still hear you, your memory i will not erase.

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Ode to Family and Friends

By carl blessing/murphy slaugh to all my family and friends, whether human or of fur. i love you so very much. of that you can be sure. i appreciate you every one being a part of my day.

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Hiding by carl blessing/murphy slaugh i am so lonely. where is the one for me? are they even just next door? or far across the sea? where will i go to meet them? how can i find...

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The Ballad of Murphy and Luna Wolf

The ballad of murphy and luna wolf by carl blessing/murphy slaugh out of all of the furs in the entire fandom, what is it about this marten that made you choose me? i'm nobody special, i'm just an old marten.

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Are Dreams Worth the Pain?

By carl blessing/murphy slaugh is the rose worth the thorns? is the blue sky worth the storms? is the truth worth the lies? are the answers worth the whys? are memories worth the sorrow? is today worth tomorrow?

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Four-Dimensional Love

Four-dimensional love by carl blessing/murphy slaugh my love transcends all dimensions, it extends through time and space. for no matter where and when i go, i can still see your face.

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A Marten of a Thousand Secrets

A marten of a thousand secrets by carl blessing/murphy slaugh i can see you have something you need to say something heavy on your mind. you have to get it out, but you don't want to shout and no one you can find.

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