Chapter 2

I stood at the door, still trying to understand his cryptic answer. "Who I am?" I asked. He nodded slowly and said, "You are one of us," He stood there for a moment before asking, "May I come in?" "Sure," I answered. I don't know why I let him in, as...

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The Two Brass Rings (part two)

Jake said more confused than ever. "it's latin..." rick said again with very little emotion. "latin for what?" jake stated, this time more irritated and a little more confused. as rick's eyes were distant and deep in serious thought.

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Koto (chapter 7: When Life Gives You Lemons)

Koto was becoming more confused. "oh, you know those people you've had a couple run ins with. the black coats.... ring any bells?" the murkrow asked in tone of mockery. "what about them? what are they doing?"

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The dreams become more confusing, more fast-paced. ivy's life starts to blur together as she and her new friend, jason, try to figure out the answers. jason's secret is now on the line, close to being found out.

Tales of the Lost Chapter 7: The centurion, Ventus

Colette got even more confused and said "tell me what?!" marta looked back and looked at her with a serious expression and said "i'm going to tell you more about the centurions and rataosk."

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Curiosity Inquired (Otherwise Untitled)

~ with a more confused tone, "but, the triangles and hexagons are both purple?", as she didn't even hazard a speculation as to the flavor of each.

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 7

Marshall was more confused than ever. he felt the urge to tell the chocolate lab how he had really felt about him all this time. on the other hand, why was zuma avoiding him? was it something that he said or that he did?

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Felix and the hot pocket

Felix was even more confused than before. how could he read this unique language? how did he get turned into this cat-like creature? and was he alone?

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The aqua portal-part 4

Adam was more puzzled. it's amazing those two unknown animals names are like human's names from where adam lived. it was a different experience for adam, he was terrified at some points, but he enjoyed all the rest.

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Hope Knight

And now makoto was even more confused. ratatoskr? messenger of the tree? she still wasn't sure whether this was a dream or a nightmare. nevertheless, she decided to ask him some questions. - greetings to you too, ratatoskr.

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"Timeless Wars" Ch.1-2

I was even more confused, but her responds was, "well i came to" "save me from what, luna. i could promise you i'm fine." "no, it's not might what to have a seat aron."

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Siblings of Corruption - Chapter 1

The black dragon was even more confused and only let out a sharp sigh. _man, who the hell was that guy and what does he know?

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