Mooncake Skellington (A The Nightmare Before Christmas Short Story)

One Day in Halloween Town, Jack and Skellington lived Forever. Many Days have Passed, Jack Skellington and Zero comes out of Halloween Town in Holiday Woods. "Hmmm I wonder will find a Mooncake?" He sees Mid-Autumn Festival Town a Mooncake shaped...

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Monster Mankind Chapter 5

"but a moon rabbit's ability centralizes around cooking, combined with medicine. normally such herbs have more minuscule effects, but a moon rabbit can amplify the effects of medicine to greater degrees."

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SHIFT 007: Routine Mission

The green moon rabbit had his bow drawn and was knocking another arrow. "and i really thought the sleeping poison i coated these arrows in wouldn't take this long to take effect!" as he spoke he fired another arrow.

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Walmart Digi-Blast : friendship

, crescemon" tsume and jake looked at lekismon new evolution tsume hold out her digivice " it says here her name is crescemon and she is a demon man digimon whose name and design are derived from the crescent moon and the mythological moon rabbit .

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Legacy 04

As i began to look around, i noticed my sword in my lap, and my goods to my left, a note to my right, and breakfast, still steaming on the stick, a nice fat full moon rabbit (and at the time, it smelled better than any drink), next to a fire pit.


Monster Mankind Chapter 3

"i'm a moon rabbit, but my parents had been born on earth, but i do hope i get to go to the moon one day." "hehe, nice to meet you ching chong." said the lion person. "it's chen kuo." the rabbit corrected. "nice to meet you, chen kuo." mrs.

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SHIFT 005: Knowledge is Power

"and now i'm apparently a moon rabbit." alex slapped himself on the head. at least he knew this wasn't the book he was looking for. he pulled up a stool taller than him to the side of the desk.

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