Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Three

The rest of the day I spent my time trying to come to terms with what had happened to me, though to be fair I was starting to find that the good definitely outweighed the bad. During my first meal in my new body I was rather embarrassed to say that I...

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"Family Tails" - Epilogue

I hope that you've enjoyed my novel, "family tails - the story of a mixed family in the genetic age". please feel free to leave any comments, suggestions, observations, constructive criticisms, questions, and thoughts in the comment section.


Unexpected mates

That was the last of their mixed family to leave them. winter was approaching there was enough food for the two of them to survive. gordon loved the night, and the two would hunt in the streets and meet friends.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 4)

That, count oxfold would not give food to any "mixed" family. 'this appalled the abbot, but his nature led him to dismiss the rumours.

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My Life as A Dragon Slave Book 2 Chapter 10 Pt. 1

A small anticipation also welled within me, knowing that our home is getting smaller, yet... our somewhat mix family is expanding. from raptors, to zephyrans with their family and now, inflares joining us as well.

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Treading Chapter 2 - Rumors

There're mixed families now. it's not just us and them like it was before..." len and i look at one another and i give a shrug. "we'll deal with it when it comes. what're we going to do about it on our own anyway?"

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Indigo Nights- Chapter 6: The Lotus

I come from a mixed family too. it's just, this may be the first thing to ever surprise me.

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Sentinels: Youth

"mixed family, both sides french-speaking," she replied. "my dad is paris-proud, my mom is from rwanda - fled to france during the genocide incident. i was technically born _in_paris, but my parents came here to canada almost right after i hatched.

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Murder & Gin

I came from a mixed family. it wasn't instilled in me to avoid my own kind, it just wasn't a priority either. i just followed my heart and or cock, whichever had the greatest influence at the time." i gave a snort at that last statement.

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