Encyclopedia V2.2 (Mm - Pp)

**_Mm_** **Magi** A dark magick user. They live in seclusion as they are feared due to their power. Most Magi gain or expand their power by making deals with demons or dark spirits. They can conjure the elements at will and use the very shadows as...


a Lack of sound

Care enough so it's true i am unlovable so it's true i will never truly be happy nothing needs to rhyme when my whole life is out of sync so the hole in my heart stays i just wanted to be loved but clearly now as we both see this is i m

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Lonely Oak Chapter 81

P-u-m-p-k-i-n-pump_kin!_" the audience chuckled at her cheer-leader-esque flourish. "lyza: caterpillar." she began to lose focus; the images in her vision began to tremble and bounce. "c--c-catapillar. c... a... t...

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Tina's Story Chapter 59 New Beginings

C-o-m-p-u-t-e-r. pretty soon, this will be your best friend. let's start by turning it on. can you turn it on? start with that big, green button. push it. good. hear it buzz and whirr? that means it's working...and pretty soon, you will be too!

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Extinction 3 - We Stand Together

H e r a m b i t i o n e m p o w e r e d m e the raptor's claws twisted downwards trying to reach out to them.

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