Canine Case episode 1

Episode One: "My name is..." It was a nice afternoon in Mobius. Killer was sitting on some rocks near a pond in a nice, grassy area. Killer was a wolf and Siberian husky hybrid with crimson red fur. She was a bit quick-tempered, and it's hard to get...


Not Alone (prologue)

I know i suck at writing but i hope its good, please give me some feedback because it well surely help and please don't be to harsh.

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Papa - Chapter 1: A Family Reunited

( i think i suck at writing, but well, whatever. xp) "papa!" a small canine girl came running across the airport lobby as she saw her father. she was very small; her age was around five or six. she ran as fast as her little legs would allow.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Ten

i suck at writing these, don't i? **support the author:** remember, for every $20 i receive, i'll post an extra chapter this week! head over to paypal(dot)me.thisadamguy to help me out!

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Love is Abloom

i suck at writing fashion, and when i showed what i had to a friend they thought it was god-awful and gave me an example of something better.

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Zombie Apocalypse

I decided to try my luck with the zombies since i suck at writing the life story, love life, and all the other types of stories that bring in the customers.

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A Tail of Two Peoples - How it Began

Not, you know, just because i suck at writing. a while ago, on one of my chapters, possibly the first one, someone sent me a dm, saying they wished i'd covered a bit more in the mines. hindsight's twenty-twenty, and i realized they were right.

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