Hell Jumpers Parts 1-3 (edited)

Warning. Though this story contains no sexual content of any kind, it is rather graphic and those of you who don't have the stomach may want to go...

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Hell Jumpers, part two

Warning. Though this story contains no sexual content of any kind, it is rather graphic and those of you who don't have the stomach may want to go elsewhere. And please, don't forget to comment. I'd rather have criticism then praise, so put plenty of...

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Hell Jumpers

Warning. Though this story contains no sexual content of any kind, it is rather graphic and those of you who don't have the stomach may want to go elsewhere. And please, don't forget to comment. I'd rather have criticism then praise, so put plenty of...

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hell jumper origins

Adam's life started like you would suspect.family house, two sisters, moany parents.But all this changed when adam turned 16. That was the year he was shipped off to fight in the war.The war had been going on for years know ever since some rebels got...

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Last Stand of the First Hell Jumpers Company of the Dire Wolves

"hell jumpers, fall back to the dropships, we are needed elsewhere," one by one, the members of the hell jumpers responded.

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No Work For Today

I worked for forestry as part of the camp crew, picking up trash and keeping the grounds clean while hell jumpers and firefighters did their thing. (laughs) i swear some of those guys are lazy.

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