TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 8 a wierd plan

"well we organize a great fire breather's tournament and the winner will become the new fire guardian" spyro declared. "and you think the guardians will allow it!" sparx asked rhetorically very loud.

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Chapter 2: Darkness Descends

"his name is galinoth of the guardians......" spyro was cut off in mid-sentence by ignitus. "did you say guardians?" ignitus asked. spyro thought he could detect what felt like recognition. "yes, why is that important?" spyro asked.

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Dragon's Pride 7

Mid Journey Reunion It was strange...yet it felt real. His whole body somehow became lighter in that dream world, but it was as if he wasn't solid at all, or was he? The sky was a starless one that night, covered with thick clouds in some...

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The Day I Meet A Hero Chapter Nine

My father was a guardian, spyro a hero, nicole a medic, dave a brave man who protects his family and i was a man who never lost a firefight and flame is going to be the next fire guardian. plus to add in that we are the tallest family around.

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Spyro the Relaxing chapter one.

"you can stay with me and the guardians." spyro stated. "after all i have done?" cynder said with hopeful eyes staring at spyro. "of coarse." spyro grinned reassuring her. of coarse, was all spyro needed to say.

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TLoS: Darkness Falls Chapter One

"the original guardians, spyro...they were masters of all four elements, and great heroes. there were actually six guardians back then--one for light and one for dark.

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 19)

No-one knowing exactly why they were called back here again so soon, other than the guardians, spyro, and cynder.

TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 5)

That would be awesome hypter but i wonder what cynder will say, not to speak of the guardians." spyro said as he thought about it. "well, i better go and pack my stuff then, without the bottles and herbs it won be much though."

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 6 a child's life

After they had dinner together with the guardians spyro and cynder got to their room to discuss the day as usual.

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TLoS: After the war

Most of the dragons had moved to warfang not only the three remaining guardians, spyro and cynder but also ember, flame and a lot more young dragons. and now the story begins after a confusing beginning...

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 7

And with that they've proceeded towards the guardians spyro shook his head " dear ancestors..." he chuckled and followed the group all three big dragons were sitting quietly as they've approached, with their eyes set on the fiery dragon that was now within

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Stars of Time - The Stars of Destiny

There are only four guardians." spyro said, and the other dragons shared looks among them, before looking back at the young purple dragon. spyro was feeling like he had missed something. "captain watercrest."

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