heart of a champion ch1

"Cheaters never win but legends never die," I've been down on my luck since the stock market fell 8 years earlier life's been hard no jobs,people Starving,no money. I thought all hope was lost until I Saw him it was March 1936, I saw him at the track...

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Passing of the Torch

What would happen to someone who had experienced racism his whole life, an earthquake as a newlywed, two world wars (the first of which he fought in) and the great depression?

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It greatly depressed the taur being away from the cubs. xavier finally had enough and went against the rule mixing a werewolf a wolf and a german shepherd together to create a cub of his own in secret.

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Grauman's Chinese Theater

She had lied to her tiger boyfriend about her family's financial condition- to be fair, maybe the vulpinos were not the wealthiest family out there but they had survivied the great depression without government handouts, thank you very much.

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The Script

With the gradual ending of the great depression, which chan vulpino likened to "winter turning into spring", he was able to, in typical california fashion, develop and brew his own wine along their picturesque home, which they bought for little during the

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A Tale of Two Assassin's Chapter1

A great depression does not do it justice. the world's governments fell apart, by way of either martial law, or complete anarchy. with no official law now in the former united states, acts that were once banned are now profitable.

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The Story of Legoiceking Furditore

It greatly depressed the taur being away from the cubs. xavier finally had enough and went against the rule mixing a werewolf a wolf and a german shepherd together to create a cub of his own in secret.

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The Assassin Chapter 1

You see this change was brought about by a second great depression in the us. this, through a series of complicated events, destabilized the world economy and brought on the first worldwide depression.

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Voicemail From a Dimensional Traveler

About whom he was and where he came from; a parallel universe where america never recovered from the great depression, resulting in anarchy across the continent.

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Reveng Begins

A great depression will fall and its katizens will suffer. with no food, shelter, or money the katizens will be wailing for help. that's when i will sweep in and offer my services. they will have to do my bidding if they want to survive.

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Wages: Chapter Three

The water here was quite deep, having sculpted out a great depression in the stone riverbed.

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The Days After

A second great depression, and no third world war to bring about wealth.

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